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WinUI3:如何在 Canvas 上放置一个半透明的灰色覆盖层

[英]WinUI3 : How to put an translucent grey overlay on Canvas

I'm working on a WinUI3 desktop application in c++. I was trying to achieve an experience where we can show a ProgressRing in the center of the screen when there is a delay in screen update.我正在 c++ 中开发 WinUI3 桌面应用程序。我试图实现一种体验,当屏幕更新出现延迟时,我们可以在屏幕中央显示 ProgressRing。 In my application, my window has a Canvas as its content and that canvas contains many widgets.在我的应用程序中,我的 window 的内容是 Canvas,而 canvas 包含许多小部件。 I want to put a new Canvas as an overlay on top of the existing Canvas and show a ProgressRing on the new Overlay Canvas and I was able to achieve an experience like this.我想将新的 Canvas 作为现有 Canvas 的叠加层,并在新的叠加层 Canvas 上显示 ProgressRing,我能够获得这样的体验。 在此处输入图像描述 The overlay Canvas in the image has a background color as transparent, I wanted to make the overlay canvas translucent.图像中的叠加层 Canvas 具有透明的背景颜色,我想让叠加层 canvas 半透明。 So that all the widgets below the overlay canvas will look like grayed-out non-interactive widgets.这样覆盖层 canvas 下方的所有小部件将看起来像灰色的非交互式小部件。

I would be of great help if you could help me with this issue.如果你能帮我解决这个问题,我会很有帮助。

Thank you,谢谢,

Harshithraj P Harshithraj P

One way to do that is to set the Background ("Black" maybe?) and the Opacity depending on how you want it to look.一种方法是根据您想要的外观设置Background (也许是“黑色”?)和Opacity

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