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Azure知识库语言服务如何接入Bot Framework SDK V4

[英]How to connect Azure Language Service with knowledge base to Bot Framework SDK V4

I have followed the steps from the AI-900 lab: https://microsoftlearning.github.io/AI-900-AIFundamentals/instructions/04d-create-a-bot.html我遵循了 AI-900 实验室的步骤: https://microsoftlearning.github.io/AI-900-AIFundamentals/instructions/04d-create-a-bot.html

I have a simple bot working and it is deployed.我有一个简单的机器人在工作并且已经部署。 I want to use this chat-bot and extent its functionality .我想使用这个聊天机器人并扩展它的功能

=> If a user is not satisficed with the bot support, show a button "Would you like to create a bug?" => 如果用户对机器人支持不满意,显示一个按钮“你想创建一个错误吗?” -Yes -No -是 -否

=>If Yes = I want the chatbot to call an Azure DevOps API to create a bug based on the information collected form the chat. =>如果是 = 我希望聊天机器人调用 Azure DevOps API 以根据从聊天中收集的信息创建错误。

=> If No = Reset chatbot => 如果否 = 重置聊天机器人

What I have done:我做了什么:

  1. I went to Azure Bot Service and I have downloaded the Bot source code.我去Azure Bot Service下载了Bot源码。


  1. Run it using Visual Studio 2022 and it runs but, cannot connect to Knowledge Base and Language Service.使用 Visual Studio 2022 运行它并运行,但无法连接到知识库和语言服务。

  2. I am testing it using Bot Emulator v4.14 on Windows.我正在 Windows 上使用 Bot Emulator v4.14 对其进行测试。

Problems and Questions:问题和疑问:

  • I know that QnA will be retired and it is replaced by Custom Question Answering.我知道 QnA 将被淘汰,取而代之的是自定义问答。 How to connect Azure Language Service so I can have access to the Knowledge Base and questions I have created in the Language Studio?如何连接 Azure 语言服务以便我可以访问知识库和我在 Language Studio 中创建的问题?


  • Is Azure Bot Framework SDK v4 the correct tool to use? Azure Bot Framework SDK v4 是正确使用的工具吗? I am writing C# and I want something like this:我正在写 C#,我想要这样的东西: 在此处输入图像描述

If Yes then call Azure Dev Ops API to create a bug with the description and info used in the chat.如果是,则致电 Azure Dev Ops API 以创建一个错误,其中包含聊天中使用的描述和信息。

Here are the steps to create Azure Language studio and you can Deploy to get the prediction url and use it in the bot.以下是创建 Azure Language studio 的步骤,您可以部署以获取预测 url 并在机器人中使用它。

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