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了解Visual Studio中Azure function blob模板的步骤

[英]Understanding steps of the Azure function blob template in Visual Studio

I am creating my first Azure function and I want it to be run when a Blob is uploaded, so in Visual Studio 2022 I selected the Azure functions template and then the Blob option.我正在创建我的第一个 Azure function,我希望它在上传 Blob 时运行,因此在 Visual Studio 2022 中,我选择了 Azure 函数模板,然后选择了 Blob 选项。 There are some steps I don't fully understand:有一些步骤我不完全理解:

在此处输入图像描述 => Do I need to select both when I also want to test my function locally with Azurite? => 当我还想用 Azurite 在本地测试我的 function 时,我是否需要 select? The "service depedency" on this screen, does it mean the storage that is observed for new uploaded files or is it the storage that the Azure function uses for some internal management stuff?此屏幕上的“服务依赖性”是指为新上传文件观察到的存储还是 Azure function 用于某些内部管理内容的存储?

在此处输入图像描述 => The "service depedency" on this screen, does it mean the storage that is observed for new uploaded files or is it the storage that the Azure function uses for some internal management stuff? => 此屏幕上的“服务依赖性”是指为新上传文件观察到的存储还是 Azure function 用于某些内部管理内容的存储?

does it mean the storage that is observed for new uploaded files or is it the storage that the Azure function uses for some internal management stuff?它是指为新上传的文件观察到的存储空间,还是 Azure function 用于某些内部管理内容的存储空间?

It's the observed collection.这是观察到的集合。 The function's runtime storage location is chosen on the 1st wizard 'screen' when you select the .NET version. select .NET 版本时,函数的运行时存储位置在第一个向导“屏幕”上选择。

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