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如何删除计划的 sidekiq 作业,即使与此作业相关的所有代码都从代码库中消失,每分钟运行一次?

[英]How to delete a scheduled sidekiq job, running every minutes even if all code related to this job disappeared from the code base?

I guess everything is in the title.我想一切都在标题中。 I scheduled a job on scheduler.rb weeks ago.几周前我在 scheduler.rb 上安排了一份工作。 It was suppose to run every minutes.它应该每分钟运行一次。 We are not using it anymore.我们不再使用它了。

I'm trying to delete it for good but it's still running on sidekiq and appears as failed since there is no code related to this job anymore in my code base.我试图永久删除它,但它仍在 sidekiq 上运行并且显示为失败,因为我的代码库中不再有与此作业相关的代码。

here is what i see in sidekiq这是我在 sidekiq 中看到的

Any idea here?有什么想法吗?

Check the box, click the "Kill" button.选中复选框,单击“杀死”按钮。

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