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Irun 如何对组类别进行建模?

[英]How do Irun models over categories of group?

I am trying to model plant decomposition curves using the litterfitter package. My dataset has three columns, time, mass remaining and site code.我正在尝试使用 litterfitter package 来 model 植物分解曲线。我的数据集有三列,时间、剩余质量和站点代码。 I want to apply the model over categories of site code and extract the model parameters but am having some difficulty.我想将 model 应用于站点代码类别并提取 model 参数,但遇到了一些困难。 Below is an example with error codes.下面是一个带有错误代码的示例。


decomp_test <- structure(list(site_code = c("CCPp1a", "CCPp1a", "CCPp1a", "CCPp1a", 
"CCPp1a", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1c", 
"CCPp1c", "CCPp1c", "CCPp1c", "CCPp1c", "CCPp1d", "CCPp1d", "CCPp1d", 
"CCPp1d", "CCPp1d", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", 
"CCPp1f", "CCPp1f", "CCPp1f", "CCPp1f", "CCPp1f"), days_between = c(0L, 
118L, 229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 
229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 
380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 380L, 572L), mass_remaining = c(1, 
0.7587478816, 0.7366473295, 0.6038150404, 0.6339366063, 1, 0.7609346914, 
0.7487194938, 0.7336179508, 0.6595702348, 1, 0.777213425, 0.734006734, 
0.6963752241, 0.5827854154, 1, 0.7716566866, 0.7002094345, 0.6913555798, 
0.7519095328, 1, 0.7403565314, 0.6751289171, 0.6572164948, 0.620339994, 
1, 0.8126440236, 0.7272999401, 0.7223268259, 0.6805293006)), row.names = c(NA, 
-30L), class = "data.frame")

#Test data-frame with a small number of sites

discrete_paralell <-
  decomp_test %>%
  nest(-site_code) %>%
  mutate(fit = map(decomp_test, ~ fit_litter(time=decomp_test$days_between ,mass.remaining= decomp_test$mass_remaining,
         results = map(fit, glance)) %>% 

Error: Problem with mutate() column fit .错误: mutate() column fit有问题。 i fit = map(...) .fit = map(...) i fit must be size 6 or 1, not 3.fit的必须是 6 号或 1 号,而不是 3 号。


discrete_paralell <-
  decomp_test %>%
  nest(-site_code) %>%
  mutate(fit = map(decomp_test, ~ fit_litter(time=decomp_test$days_between ,mass.remaining= decomp_test$mass_remaining,
         coef = map_dbl(fit, "coef"),
         actual = map_dbl(fit, "mass"),
         preds = map_dbl(fit, "predicted"),
         AIC = map_dbl(fit, "fitAIC"),
         model = map_dbl(fit, "model"))

Error: Problem with mutate() column fit .错误: mutate() column fit有问题。 i fit = map(...) .fit = map(...) i fit must be size 6 or 1, not 3.fit的必须是 6 号或 1 号,而不是 3 号。

I understand that not all of the models will fit, I will examine all of the fits relative to other models later.我知道并非所有模型都适合,我稍后会检查所有相对于其他模型的适合度。

How about this:这个怎么样:


decomp_test <- structure(list(site_code = c("CCPp1a", "CCPp1a", "CCPp1a", "CCPp1a", 
                                            "CCPp1a", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1b", "CCPp1c", 
                                            "CCPp1c", "CCPp1c", "CCPp1c", "CCPp1c", "CCPp1d", "CCPp1d", "CCPp1d", 
                                            "CCPp1d", "CCPp1d", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", "CCPp1e", 
                                            "CCPp1f", "CCPp1f", "CCPp1f", "CCPp1f", "CCPp1f"), days_between = c(0L, 
                                                                                                                118L, 229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 
                                                                                                                229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 
                                                                                                                380L, 572L, 0L, 118L, 229L, 380L, 572L), mass_remaining = c(1, 
                                                                                                                                                                            0.7587478816, 0.7366473295, 0.6038150404, 0.6339366063, 1, 0.7609346914, 
                                                                                                                                                                            0.7487194938, 0.7336179508, 0.6595702348, 1, 0.777213425, 0.734006734, 
                                                                                                                                                                            0.6963752241, 0.5827854154, 1, 0.7716566866, 0.7002094345, 0.6913555798, 
                                                                                                                                                                            0.7519095328, 1, 0.7403565314, 0.6751289171, 0.6572164948, 0.620339994, 
                                                                                                                                                                            1, 0.8126440236, 0.7272999401, 0.7223268259, 0.6805293006)), row.names = c(NA, 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -30L), class = "data.frame")

#Test data-frame with a small number of sites

discrete_paralell <-
  decomp_test %>%
  group_by(site_code) %>% 
  summarise(fit = list(fit_litter(time=days_between ,mass.remaining= mass_remaining,
                             model='discrete.parallel',iters=1000)$optimFit$par)) %>% 
  unnest_wider(fit) %>% 
  setNames(c("site_code", "par_1", "par_2", "par_3"))
#> Number of successful fits:  898  out of 1000
#> Number of successful fits:  912  out of 1000
#> Warning in fit_litter(time = days_between, mass.remaining = mass_remaining, :
#> one or more parameters fit on the boundary, check fit closely
#> Number of successful fits:  866  out of 1000
#> Number of successful fits:  981  out of 1000
#> Warning in fit_litter(time = days_between, mass.remaining = mass_remaining, :
#> one or more parameters fit on the boundary, check fit closely
#> Number of successful fits:  895  out of 1000
#> Warning in fit_litter(time = days_between, mass.remaining = mass_remaining, :
#> one or more parameters fit on the boundary, check fit closely
#> Number of successful fits:  907  out of 1000
#> Warning in fit_litter(time = days_between, mass.remaining = mass_remaining, :
#> one or more parameters fit on the boundary, check fit closely
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`
#> • `` -> `...3`
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> New names:
#> • `` -> `...1`
#> • `` -> `...2`
#> • `` -> `...3`

#> # A tibble: 6 × 4
#>   site_code par_1    par_2    par_3
#>   <chr>     <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 CCPp1a    0.819 0.000512 0.596   
#> 2 CCPp1b    0.738 0.0001   0.0161  
#> 3 CCPp1c    0.120 0.257    0.000685
#> 4 CCPp1d    0.256 0.0187   0.0001  
#> 5 CCPp1e    0.332 0.0119   0.0001  
#> 6 CCPp1f    0.273 0.00954  0.0001

Created on 2023-01-17 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)reprex package (v2.0.1) 创建于 2023-01-17

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