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Microsoft Teams 频道 ID 中前缀“19:”的意义是什么?

[英]What is the significance of prefix "19:" in Microsoft Teams Channel id?

In Microsoft Teams Channel the channel id has prefix "19:" what is the significance of this prefix and is it always going to be same?在 Microsoft Teams 频道中,频道 ID 有前缀“19:”这个前缀的意义是什么,它总是一样的吗?

The format of channel id is- "19:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@thread.skype"频道 ID 的格式为 - “19:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX@thread.skype”

The "19:" it is just a type that defines the kind of object for Microsoft infrastructure internally (channel or team). “19:”它只是一种类型,用于在内部(渠道或团队)为 Microsoft 基础结构定义 object 的类型。 There are other prefixes, like "28:xxxxx" for example for a bot, "29:xxxx" for a user, etc.还有其他前缀,例如“28:xxxxx”用于机器人,“29:xxxx”用于用户等。

I would avoid relying on this prefix, though, and just use the whole ID as a string without trying to parse it.不过,我会避免依赖此前缀,而只是将整个 ID 用作字符串而不尝试解析它。

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