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[英]GCP cloud billing export into BQ through terraform

Can we automate GCP billing export into BQ through Terraform?我们可以通过 Terraform 自动将 GCP 账单导出到 BQ吗?

I tried below terraform code but it's not working.我尝试了以下 terraform 代码,但它不起作用。 So, not sure if GCP billing exporting into BQ would be possible through Terraform or not.因此,不确定是否可以通过 Terraform 将 GCP 计费导出到 BQ。

resource "google_logging_billing_account_sink" "billing-sink" {
  name            = "billing-sink"
  description     = "Billing export"
  billing_account = "**********"
  unique_writer_identity = true
  destination = "bigquery.googleapis.com/projects/${var.project_name}/datasets/${google_bigquery_dataset.billing_export.dataset_id}"

resource "google_project_iam_member" "log_writer" {
  project = var.project_name
  role    = "roles/bigquery.dataEditor"
  member  = google_logging_billing_account_sink.billing-sink.writer_identity

Unfortunately,there is no such option.不幸的是,没有这样的选择。 This concern is already raised under github and this is in enhancement.此问题已在github下提出,并且正在增强中。 Currently there is no ETA available.目前没有可用的预计到达时间。 I can see in terraform only google_logging_billing_account_sink and Automating logs export to BigQuery with Terraform.我在 terraform 中只能看到google_logging_billing_account_sink和 Automating logs export to BigQuery with Terraform。

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