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我的 DataGrip IDE 找不到 MERGE function 即使它在 postgresql 15.1

[英]My DataGrip IDE can't find MERGE function even though it is in postgresql 15.1

because of the interest we have in postgresql 15, my team and I would like to migrate to this new version.由于我们对 postgresql 15 感兴趣,我和我的团队想迁移到这个新版本。 As we work with docker, I loaded the postgres:15 image instead of the old postgres:13 image and got it on my PC.当我们使用 docker 时,我加载了 postgres:15 图像而不是旧的 postgres:13 图像并将其安装到我的 PC 上。 Now my problem is that I can't find a way to use Postgres:15 on my DataGrip IDE.现在我的问题是我找不到在我的 DataGrip IDE 上使用 Postgres:15 的方法。

I can still write postgresql 14 code in DataGrip.我仍然可以在 DataGrip 中编写 postgresql 14 代码。

select version();

in a query console in DataGrip gets me version 15.1 version response but new commands such as MERGE can't be found by the IDE.在 DataGrip 的查询控制台中,我得到了版本 15.1 的版本响应,但是 IDE 找不到新的命令,例如 MERGE。

I found out after some research that the old version persisted in a terminal call of psql so i deleted the old cluster because they had the same port and name and now when i call psql in a terminal, I can write in postgresql 15.1 but still not on DataGrip.经过一些研究,我发现旧版本在 psql 的终端调用中持续存在,所以我删除了旧集群,因为它们具有相同的端口和名称,现在当我在终端中调用 psql 时,我可以写入 postgresql 15.1 但仍然不行在 DataGrip 上。

There's a plan to implement it from 2023.1: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-16310有计划从2023.1开始实施: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-16310

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