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如何在 spring-tool-suite 中进行缩进?

[英]How to do indentation in spring-tool-suite?

I want to do indentation of all the cluttered code.我想缩进所有混乱的代码。 Please let me know what could be the shortcut to do so?请让我知道这样做的捷径是什么?

I'm expecting the shortcut key combination.我期待快捷键组合。

Right click in the Java source editor, select the Source menu group, and choose Correct Indentation .右键单击 Java 源代码编辑器, select Source菜单组,然后选择Correct Indentation The keyboard shortcut should show up on the right side of the menu item.键盘快捷键应显示在菜单项的右侧。

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