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[英]Convert String into list of Pairs: Kotlin

Is there an easier approach to convert an Intellij IDEA environment variable into a list of Tuples?是否有更简单的方法将 Intellij IDEA 环境变量转换为元组列表?

My environment variable for Intellij is我的 Intellij 环境变量是

GROCERY_LIST=[("egg", "dairy"),("chicken", "meat"),("apple", "fruit")]

The environment variable gets accessed into Kotlin file as String.环境变量作为字符串访问到 Kotlin 文件中。

val g_list = System.getenv("GROCERY_LIST")

Ideally I'd like to iterate over g_list , first element being ("egg", "dairy") and so on.理想情况下,我想遍历g_list ,第一个元素是("egg", "dairy")等等。 And then ("egg", "dairy") is a tuple/pair然后("egg", "dairy")是一个元组/对

I have tried to split g_list by comma that's NOT inside quotes ie我试图用不在引号内的逗号分隔g_list

val splitted_list = g_list.split(",(?=(?:[^\\\"]*\\\"[^\\\"]*\\\")*[^\\\"]*\$)".toRegex()).toTypedArray()

this gives me first element as [("egg", second element as "dairy")] and so on.这给了我第一个元素[("egg",第二个元素是"dairy")]等等。

Also created a data class and tried to map the string into data class using jacksonObjectMapper following this link:还创建了一个数据 class 并尝试使用jacksonObjectMapper 以下链接将 map 字符串转换为数据 class:

val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
val g_list = System.getenv("GROCERY_LIST")
val myList: List<Shopping> = mapper.readValue(g_list)

data class Shopping(val a: String, val b: String)

Never a good idea to use regex to match parenthesis.使用正则表达式来匹配括号从来都不是一个好主意。

I would suggest a step-by-step approach:我建议采用循序渐进的方法:

You could first match the name and the value by您可以先通过以下方式匹配名称和值


There you get the name in group 1 and the value in group 2 without caring about any subsequent = characters that might appear in the value.您在第 1 组中获得名称,在第 2 组中获得值,而无需关心值中可能出现的任何后续=字符。

If you then want to split the value, I would get rid of start and end parenthesis first by matching by如果您随后想要拆分该值,我将首先通过匹配来摆脱开始和结束括号


(or simply cut off the first and last two characters of the string, if it is always given it starts with [( and ends in )] ) (或者简单地切断字符串的第一个和最后两个字符,如果它总是以[()]开头)

Then get the single list entries from splitting by然后从拆分中获取单个列表条目


(take care that the split operation also takes a regex, so you have to escape it) (注意拆分操作也需要一个正则表达式,所以你必须转义它)

And for each list entry you could split that simply by对于每个列表条目,您可以简单地将其拆分为


or, if you want the quote character to be removed, use a match with或者,如果要删除引号字符,请使用匹配


where group 1 contains the key (left of equals sign) and group 2 the value (right of equals sign)其中第 1 组包含键(等号左侧),第 2 组包含值(等号右侧)

  1. You can create a regular expression to match all strings in your environmental variable.您可以创建一个正则表达式来匹配环境变量中的所有字符串。 Regex::findAll()
  2. Then loop through the strings while creating a list of Shopping objects.然后在创建Shopping对象列表时循环遍历字符串。
// Raw data set.
val groceryList: String = "[(\"egg\", \"dairy\"),(\"chicken\", \"meat\"),(\"apple\", \"fruit\")]"

// Build regular expression.
val regex = Regex("\"([\\s\\S]+?)\"")
val matchResult = regex.findAll(groceryList)
val iterator = matchResult.iterator()

// Create a List of `Shopping` objects.
var first: String = "";
var second: String = "";
val shoppingList = mutableListOf<Shopping>()
var i = 0;

while (iterator.hasNext()) {
    val value = iterator.next().value;

    if (i % 2 == 0) {
        first = value;
    } else {
        second = value;
        shoppingList.add(Shopping(first, second))
        first = ""
        second = ""



// Print Shopping List.
for (s in shoppingList) {

// Output.
    Shopping(a="egg", b="dairy")
    Shopping(a="chicken", b="meat")
    Shopping(a="apple", b="fruit")

data class Shopping(val a: String, val b: String)

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