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无法读取未定义的属性(读取“使用”)如何在 ExpressJS 中解决此问题?

[英]Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'use') how can I resolve this issue in ExpressJS?

The warning in the terminal is based on undefined (reading 'use')-introduced route in my app is app>router>routers.js终端中的警告基于未定义(阅读“使用”) - 在我的应用程序中引入的路由是 app>router>routers.js

const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const router = require("express").Router();
const { authRouters } = require("./Auth");
const { projectRouters } = require("./Project");
const { teamRouters } = require("./Team");
const { userRouters } = require("./User");
router.use("/project", projectRouters);
router.use("/team", teamRouters);
router.use("/user", userRouters);
router.use("/Auth", authRouters);
module.exports = { AllRouters: router };

Team.js (similarly for Project.js, Auth.js, User.js) Team.js(类似于 Project.js、Auth.js、User.js)

const router = require("express").Router();

> my codes...

module.exports = { projectRouters: router };

and finally in my Server.js最后在我的 Server.js 中

createRoutes() {
this.#app.get("/", (req, res, next) => {
  return res.json({ message: "Welcome to my app" });
this.#app.use((error, req, res, next) => {
  try {
  } catch (error) {

} }

To whom may face a similar warning: the root of the problem is a matter of not defining " AllRouters" method in the contractor of the Server.js and the solution is:谁可能会面临类似的警告:问题的根源在于没有在 Server.js 的承包商中定义“AllRouters”方法,解决方案是:

module.exports = class Application {
  #app = express();
  constructor(PORT, DB_URL, AllRouters) {
    this.#PORT = PORT;
    this.#DB_URL = DB_URL;
    this.#AllRouters = AllRouters;


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