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如何将嵌套的 Object 列表属性添加到现有的 Object

[英]How can I add Nested Object List Properties to an existing Object

I'm trying to figure out how I can add an object list property to an existing object, which also has a list object property.我想弄清楚如何将 object 列表属性添加到现有的 object,它也有一个列表 object 属性。 I have 3 classes as FirstList, SecondList, and ThirdList with an Id and Text Property.我有 3 个类,分别是 FirstList、SecondList 和 ThirdList,它们具有 Id 和 Text 属性。 ThirdList has a List Property of SecondList and SecondList has a List Property of FirstList. ThirdList 具有 SecondList 的列表属性,SecondList 具有 FirstList 的列表属性。 I've tried nesting.Add() but I can't get that to work.我试过 nesting.Add() 但我无法让它工作。


public class FirstList
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }

public class SecondList
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public List<FirstList> Firsts { get; set; } = new List<FirstList>();

public class ThirdList
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Text { get; set; }
    public List<SecondList> Seconds { get; set; } = new List<SecondList>();


// program

ThirdList item = new ThirdList();

item.Id = 30;
item.Text = "Third Text";

item.Seconds.Add(new SecondList
    Id = 20,
    Text = "Second Text",
    Firsts.Add(new FirstList   //Trying to add a list object within the .Add method
        Id = 10,
        Text = "First Text"

// If I remove the 'Firsts' property from 'Seconds'.Add method and do the following below, I can  
//  add it afterwords. But, I was trying to see if it all could be added at once.

//  item.Seconds[0].Firsts.Add(new FirstList
// {
//     Id = 10,
//     Text = "First Text"
// });

List<T>.Add(T) method is used to add an object to the end of the List<T>. List<T>.Add(T) 方法用于将 object 添加到 List<T> 的末尾。 You have to instantiate the List<T> first before you use the.Add(T) method.在使用 .Add(T) 方法之前,您必须先实例化 List<T>。

If I am not mistaken, what you are asking is how to initialize a list of objects.如果我没记错的话,你问的是如何初始化一个对象列表。 Take a look on below codes, notice the bracket { }.看看下面的代码,注意括号 {}。

        ThirdList item = new ThirdList()
            Id = 30,
            Text = "Third Text",
            Seconds =
                new SecondList
                    Id = 20,
                    Text = "Second Text",
                    Firsts =
                        new FirstList
                            Id = 10,
                            Text = "First Text"

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