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React JS onKeyUp 事件不发送数据到 function

[英]React JS onKeyUp event does not sending data to function

Im trying to create an ajax user search like linkedin's, so when i type a character from the keyboard i should get results without pressing the enter key.我正在尝试像 linkedin 一样创建ajax user search ,所以当我从键盘输入一个字符时,我应该在不按回车键的情况下得到结果。

In my input field i have the onKeyUp={sendData(this)} to send the data in the sendData function, and then fetch the results.在我的输入字段中,我有onKeyUp={sendData(this)}来发送 sendData function 中的数据,然后获取结果。

<input type="text" id="userfield" onKeyUp={sendData(this)}/>
 function sendData (input){
    if (input!=null){
      headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
      body: JSON.stringify({ input: input.value})

My problem is that in the console.log("data:",input) line i get undefined.我的问题是在console.log("data:",input)行中我得到了未定义。 Which means the onKeyUp event sends nothing to the function. Im i missing something?这意味着 onKeyUp 事件不会向 function 发送任何内容。我错过了什么吗?

In React onKeyUp and event listeners in general expect a function to be passed, and will pass the event as an argument by default.在 React onKeyUp和事件侦听器中,通常期望传递 function,并且默认情况下会将event作为参数传递。 In your case you want to pass the sendData function like so:在您的情况下,您希望像这样传递sendData function:

<input type="text" id="userfield" onKeyUp={sendData}/>

and then receive the input element like:然后接收输入元素,如:

function sendData (event){
   const input = event.target;
   // Do stuff with input

Also if you are trying to fetch some data you have to handle it somehow.此外,如果您尝试获取一些数据,则必须以某种方式处理它。 You should either add a .then((result)=>{/* Handle the result */}) to the fetch call or make sendData an async function and then await the result like:您应该将.then((result)=>{/* Handle the result */})添加到fetch调用或使sendData成为async function 然后await结果,例如:

async function sendData (event){
   const input = event.target;
   const result = await fetch(/*...*/)

Simply you can use简单地你可以使用

   <input type="text" id="userfield" onKeyUp={(e)=>sendData(e.target.value)}/>

e.target gives you the element that triggered the event. e.target为您提供触发事件的元素。

e.target.value retrieves the value of that element e.target.value检索该元素的值

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