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[英]Background Image not expanding with it's parent

i am currently doing a challange on frontend mentor but i have a problem with the background images i used to create the curved sections, if you go to the developer's page, and expand the screen to let's say 2000px, the curved section do not expand我目前正在对前端导师进行挑战,但是我用来创建弯曲部分的背景图像有问题,如果你 go 到开发者页面,并将屏幕扩大到比方说 2000 像素,弯曲部分不会扩大

A picture of what i am describing我正在描述的图片

The code to the github repository is https://github.com/Nadine-Green/Huddle-Landing-Page-With-Curved-Sections , i was thinking of using it as a direct image instead of it being a background, but i just wanted to hear from you all first. github 存储库的代码是https://github.com/Nadine-Green/Huddle-Landing-Page-With-Curved-Sections ,我正在考虑将其用作直接图像而不是背景,但我只是想先听听大家的意见。

I checked your GitHub repository and couldn't find the specific code referring to your attached screenshot containing curved background images.我检查了您的 GitHub 存储库,但找不到引用您所附包含弯曲背景图像的屏幕截图的具体代码。

Anyways refer to this it will help you take a better understanding of how to use background images properly on all screens (responsive).不管怎样,参考这个它会帮助你更好地理解如何在所有屏幕(响应式)上正确使用背景图像。

If you are able to share the specific code snippet you are referring to with your question I would be able to help you further on.如果您能够分享您在问题中提到的特定代码片段,我将能够进一步帮助您。

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