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Python 单元测试 mocking 未按预期工作

[英]Python unittest mocking not working as expected

I got this project structure:我得到了这个项目结构:

├── __init__.py
├── app.py
├── helpers
│   └── __init__.py
└── tests
    ├── __init__.py
    ├── integration
    │   ├── __init__.py
    │   └── test_app.py
    └── unit
        ├── __init__.py
        └── test_helpers.py

So far, unit testing for helpers hasn't been complicated, i'd patch 3rd parties and some functions within helpers.到目前为止, helpers的单元测试并不复杂,我会修补 3rd parties 和 helpers 中的一些功能。

The integration testing in tests/integration/test_app.py is being a bit of a blocking point because the patching isn't doing what i need it do to. tests/integration/test_app.py中的集成测试是一个障碍点,因为补丁没有做我需要做的事情。 For example, I got a method like this:例如,我有一个这样的方法:

helpers/ init .py:助手/初始化.py:

def compute_completeness_metric(
    body = {"vendor": vendor, "product": product, "fields": fields}
    response_json = requests.post(
        "http://example.com", json=body)
    if response_json.status_code != 200:
        response_json = "Can't compute"
        response_json = response_json.json()
    return response_json

Now, in app.py, I call it the following way:现在,在 app.py 中,我这样称呼它:

from helpers import compute_completeness_metric
def main(req: func.HttpRequest) -> func.HttpResponse:
    final_results = {}
    final_results = compute_completeness_metric(vendor, product, fields, endpoint)

And when testing, I try to patch it the following way:在测试时,我尝试通过以下方式对其进行修补:

    def test_app(self, mock_compute_completeness_metric):
      mock_compute_completeness_metric.return_value = "blablabla"

But the mocked methods do not return what they're supposed to return, instead execute themselves as if they weren't mocked.但是被模拟的方法不会返回它们应该返回的内容,而是像没有被模拟一样执行它们自己。

Am I missing something?我错过了什么吗? Should I be mocking the methods within get_rule_data_models() ?我应该是 mocking get_rule_data_models()中的方法吗?


The way you mock a function depends on the way it is declared or imported.您模拟 function 的方式取决于它的声明或导入方式。

If you used如果你用过

import helpers
     final_results = helpers.compute_completeness_metric(vendor, product, fields, endpoint)

Then mocking with @patch('data_quality.helpers.compute_completeness_metric') would be fine然后 mocking 和@patch('data_quality.helpers.compute_completeness_metric')就可以了

But here you use:但是在这里你使用:

from helpers import compute_completeness_metric
    final_results = compute_completeness_metric(vendor, product, fields, endpoint)

That means that in app.py you no longer use the symbol from the helpers module but a local symbol that points to where helpers.compute_completeness_metric pointed at import time.这意味着在 app.py 中,您不再使用helpers模块中的符号,而是指向helpers.compute_completeness_metric在导入时指向的位置的本地符号。 That means that you have to patch the symbol in the app module:这意味着您必须修补app模块中的符号:

def test_app(self, mock_compute_completeness_metric):
  mock_compute_completeness_metric.return_value = "blablabla"

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