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如何在 python class 中仅使一个方法通用

[英]How to make only a method generic in a python class

I have the following base class to represent fields:我有以下基数 class 来表示字段:

T = TypeVar("T")

class BaseClass(Generic[T]):
    def validate(self, value: T):
        raise NotImplementedError

I also have an enum to represent the available implementations of this class:我还有一个枚举来表示这个 class 的可用实现:

class Types(Enum):
    A = auto()
    B = auto()

    def from_instance(instance: BaseClass) -> "Types":
        if isinstance(instance, ClassA):
            return Types.A
        if isinstance(instance, ClassB):
            return Types.B
        raise ValueError("Not supported")

Now, from these class, I have several implementations:现在,从这些 class,我有几个实现:

class ClassA(BaseClass[str]):
    def validate(self, value: str):

class ClassB(BaseClass[int]):
    def validate(self, value: int):

After this setup, I have another class to store a list of BaseClass :完成此设置后,我有另一个 class 来存储BaseClass列表:

class Container:
    instances: List[BaseClass]

    def get_by_type(self, type: Types) -> List[BaseClass]:
        return [instance for instance in self.instances if type == Types.from_instance(instance)]

At the end I have the following code and the following error:最后我有以下代码和以下错误:

def function(fields_from_class_a: List[ClassA]):

container = Container(instances=[ClassA(), ClassB()])
fields = container.get_by_type(Types.A)

# throws error:
#  Argument 1 to "function" has incompatible type "List[BaseClass[Any]]"; expected "List[ClassA]"

So my question is, can I modify the code in such a way that the method get_by_type is correctly typed?所以我的问题是,我可以修改代码以正确输入方法get_by_type吗?

ClassA is only mapped at runtime to Types.A in Types.from_instance() . ClassA仅在运行时映射到Types.A Types.from_instance()中的 Types.A。

You would have to use BaseClass[Literal[Types.A]] instead of ClassA :您将不得不使用BaseClass[Literal[Types.A]]而不是ClassA

# def function(fields_from_class_a: List[ClassA]):                     # Change this
def function(fields_from_class_a: List[BaseClass[Literal[Types.A]]]):  # to this

And type Container.get_by_type() as such:并输入Container.get_by_type()这样的:

TypesT = TypeVar("TypesT", Literal[Types.A], Literal[Types.B])   # Add this

# def get_by_type(self, type: Types) -> List[BaseClass]:         # Change this
def get_by_type(self, type: TypesT) -> List[BaseClass[TypesT]]:  # to this

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