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如何通过 PowerShell 设置 Microsoft Teams 通用频道权限

[英]How do I set Microsoft Teams General Channel Permissions through PowerShell

I am disabling permissions for everyone to chat on "General" Teams channel manually by我正在禁用每个人在“常规”团队频道上手动聊天的权限

  1. clicking on (...)点击 (...)
  2. Manage channel管理频道
  3. selecting 'Only owners can post messages'选择“只有所有者可以发布消息”

How can I do the same with PowerShell without any manual clicks?.如何在没有任何手动点击的情况下对 PowerShell 执行相同的操作?


The CsTeamsMessagingPolicy cmdlets enable administrators to control if a user is enabled to exchange messages. CsTeamsMessagingPolicy cmdlet 使管理员能够控制是否允许用户交换消息。

   [-AllowUserChat <Boolean>] 

-AllowUserChat -允许用户聊天

Determines whether a user is allowed to chat.确定是否允许用户聊天。 Set this to TRUE to allow a user to chat across private chat, group chat and in meetings.将此设置为 TRUE 以允许用户在私人聊天、群组聊天和会议中聊天。 Set this to FALSE to prohibit all chat.将此设置为 FALSE 以禁止所有聊天。

For example:例如:

Set-CsTeamsMessagingPolicy -Identity StudentMessagingPolicy
-AllowUserChat $false -AllowMemes $false

In this example two different property values are configured: AllowUserChat is set to false and AllowMemes is set to False.在此示例中,配置了两个不同的属性值:AllowUserChat 设置为 false,AllowMemes 设置为 False。 All other policy properties will be left as previously assigned.所有其他策略属性将保持原样。


https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/set-csteamsmessagingpolicy?view=skype-ps https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/skype/set-csteamsmessagingpolicy?view=skype-ps

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