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IDE 没有着色或自动填充问题

[英]IDE not coloring or auto-filling iassue

IDE is not coloring the errors or auto-fill. IDE 没有为错误着色或自动填充。 How do i fix that(I am using btw Pycharm)我该如何解决(我正在使用顺便说一句 Pycharm)

i expected the IDE to auto-fill and color the errors automatically but that did not happen我希望 IDE 自动填充并自动为错误着色,但这并没有发生

There are a few things you can try to fix this issue:您可以尝试通过以下几种方式解决此问题:

  • Make sure that you have selected the correct Python interpreter in PyCharm. This can be done by going to File > Settings > Project: (name of your project) > Project Interpreter and check the correct version.确保您在 PyCharm 中选择了正确的 Python 解释器。这可以通过转到文件 > 设置 > 项目:(项目名称)> 项目解释器并检查正确的版本来完成。

  • Make sure you have set correct file type.确保您设置了正确的文件类型。 Go to File > Settings > Editor > File Types, and ensure that the file type is set to Python. Go 到文件 > 设置 > 编辑器 > 文件类型,并确保文件类型设置为 Python。

  • Try to re-install the package. Go to File > Settings > Project: (name of your project) > Project Interpreter, find the package that you are currently using, and try to re-install it.尝试重新安装package。Go到文件>设置>项目:(项目名称)>项目解释器,找到您当前使用的package,然后尝试重新安装它。

  • Restart the PyCharm IDE.重启PyCharm IDE。

  • Try invalidating cache尝试使缓存失效

  • There are also numerous pyCharm community forums.还有众多 pyCharm 社区论坛。

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