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动态添加时如何使 materializecss 下拉列表工作

[英]How to make the materializecss dropdown work when added dynamically

Following is an example of a sample webform I made in Google Apps Script , where I'm trying to dynamically add three select dropdowns and an input element whenever the add button is clicked.以下是我在Google Apps Script中制作的示例网络表单示例,我试图在单击add按钮时动态添加三个 select 下拉菜单和一个输入元素。 The elements should render in following order - dropdown dropdown input dropdown .元素应按以下顺序呈现 - dropdown dropdown input dropdown

I'm using materialize framework for this.我正在为此使用物化框架

After a lot of trying and going through the materializecss documentation, I was able to render the text input field as expected.经过大量尝试和阅读materializecss文档后,我能够按预期呈现文本输入字段 But, the dropdowns still won't render.但是,下拉菜单仍然不会呈现。 Clearly, I'm making some mistake, cannot figure out what and where.显然,我犯了一些错误,无法弄清楚是什么和在哪里。

I'm including the code files-我包括代码文件-

  1. Code.gs
function doGet(e) {
  return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('form_materialize').evaluate();

function include(fileName){
  return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile(fileName).getContent();
  1. form_materialize.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <!-- google font pack link -->
    <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
    <!-- Mini materialize.css cdn link -->
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/1.0.0/css/materialize.min.css">
    <?!= include('css_scripts'); ?>
    <div class="container">
      <div class = "row">
        <h1>A Sample Form</h1>
      <div id="productsection">
        <!-- product details like "Product Type"(dropdown), "Products"(dropdown), "Product Qty"(text input field), "Unit"(dropdown) to be added here dynamically -->


      <div class = "row">
        <a class="btn-floating btn-large waves-effect waves-light red" id="addproduct"><i class="material-icons">add</i></a>

    <!-- Mini materialize.js cdn link -->
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/materialize/1.0.0/js/materialize.min.js"></script>
    <?!= include('js_scripts_materialize'); ?>
  1. js_scripts_materialize.html
  document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    var elems = document.querySelectorAll('select');
    var instances = M.FormSelect.init(elems, options);

  let counter = 0;

  const orderTypeList = ["PH", "ECOM"];
  const optionList = ["Test Product 1", "Test Product 2", "Test Product 3", "Test Product 4", "Test Product 5"];                                   
  const unitOptionList = ["KGS", "PCS", "BAGS"];
  document.getElementById("addproduct").addEventListener("click", addInputField);

  function addInputField(){
    // everytime when "add product" button is clicked, the following elements must be added to the "<div id="produc></div>" tag.

    // <div class="row">
    //  <div class="input-field col s4" id="divone">
      //   <select id="productX">
      //     <option>option-i</option>
      //     <option>option-1</option>
      //     <option>option-2</option>
      //     ...
      //     ...
      //     <option>option-n</option>
    //     <select>
    //  </select>
    //  <div class="input-field col s4" id="divtwo"> 
    //     <input id="productqtyX" type="text">
    //     <label for="productqtyX">Quantity</label>
    //  </div>
    //  <div class="input-field col s4" id="divthree"> 
    //     <select id="productUnitX">
    //       <option>option-1</option>
    //       <option>option-2</option>
    //       ...
    //       ...
    //       <option>option-n</option>
    //     </select>
    //  </div>
    // </div>
    // creates a new div of class row
    const newDivElem = createElementTemplate('div', null, ['row']);

    // creates a new select tag for order type dropdown
    const newOrderTypeSelectElem = createElementTemplate('select', "ordertype" + counter.toString());

    // generates the content of the dropdown for products and is inserted to the above "productX" select tag
    createOptionsElem(newOrderTypeSelectElem, orderTypeList);

    // creates a new select tag for product dropdown
    const newProductSelectElem = createElementTemplate('select', "product" + counter.toString());

    // generates the content of the dropdown for products and is inserted to the above "productX" select tag
    createOptionsElem(newProductSelectElem, optionList);

    // creates a input element for quantity input
    const newQtyInputElem = createElementTemplate('input', 'productqty' + counter.toString(), ['validate']);
    newQtyInputElem.type = 'text';

    // creates a label for the quantity input element
    const newQtyLabelElem = createElementTemplate('label');
    newQtyLabelElem.textContent = "Quantity";

    //Creates a new select element for product quantity unit(dropdown)
    const newUnitSelectElem = createElementTemplate('select', 'productqtyunit' + counter.toString());

    // generates the content of the dropdown for units and is inserted to the above "productqtyunitX" select tag
    createOptionsElem(newUnitSelectElem, unitOptionList);

    //create inner "div" tags with class "input-field col s4" as described in materializecss documentation
    const innerDivElems = [];

    for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++){
      innerDivElems.push(createElementTemplate('div', `div${(Number(i) + 1)}`, ['input-field', 'col', 's3']));




    //Inserts select, quantityInput, quanityLabel, newUnitSelectTag tags in div child
    for(let i in innerDivElems){

    // Finally, appends the newly created div tag to the productSection tag.

function createOptionsElem(selectElem, optionsArr){
  const newDefaultOptionElem = document.createElement('option');
  newDefaultOptionElem.disabled = true;
  newDefaultOptionElem.setAttribute('selected', true);
  newDefaultOptionElem.textContent="Choose your option";


  for(let i in optionsArr){
    const newOptionElem = document.createElement('option');
    newOptionElem.textContent = optionsArr[i];
    newOptionElem.value = optionsArr[i];

    // Inserts the option tag in select tag

// function to create a new element
function createElementTemplate(tagType, idVal, classNameList){
  const newElement = document.createElement(tagType);
  if(idVal !== undefined)
    newElement.id = idVal;
  if(classNameList !== undefined){
    for(let i in classNameList){

  return newElement;

Although I'm not sure whether I could correctly understand your expected result, how about the following modification?虽然我不确定我是否能正确理解你的预期结果,但下面的修改呢?

In this modification, your js_scripts_materialize.html is modified.本次修改,修改了你的js_scripts_materialize.html

Modified script:修改脚本:

I think that in this case, this part might not be required to be used.我认为在这种情况下,这部分可能不需要使用。

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
  var elems = document.querySelectorAll('select');
  var instances = M.FormSelect.init(elems, options);

And also, please modify addInputField() as follows.另外,请按如下方式修改addInputField()




var elems = document.querySelectorAll('select'); // Added
M.FormSelect.init(elems); // Added
  • By this modification, I thought that when you click a red button, you can see the dropdown lists.通过这个修改,我认为当你点击一个红色按钮时,你可以看到下拉列表。

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