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如何在命令行上的每个命令的末尾添加 ls -la?

[英]How to add `ls -la` to the end of each command on the command line?

I am constantly running ls -la after cd 'ing into folders as I often work on file trees that I'm not familiar with.我经常在cd进入文件夹后运行ls -la ,因为我经常处理我不熟悉的文件树。

This is getting tedious and I would like someway to add ls after each time I press enter so I can always see the list of files and folders when I change directory.这变得很乏味,我想在每次按 enter 后添加ls ,这样我在更改目录时总能看到文件和文件夹列表。

I couldn't find much support on google as I wasn't sure what to google.我在谷歌上找不到太多支持,因为我不确定要谷歌什么。

You can set你可以设置


It runs the command before showing the prompt, ie after it runs the command you entered in the command line.它在显示提示之前运行命令,即在运行您在命令行中输入的命令之后。 In other words, if you're in a directory with many files, you won't see any output of your commands, as it will scroll out because of the prompt command.换句话说,如果你在一个有很多文件的目录中,你将看不到任何 output 命令,因为它会因为提示命令而滚出。 Maybe using something like也许使用类似的东西

PROMPT_COMMAND='ls -la | head -n10'

might be better.可能会更好。

Create a function in your.bashrc like在 your.bashrc 中创建一个 function

mycd() {
  cd "$*" && ls -la

Better is supporting different options/arguments with更好的是支持不同的选项/参数

mycd() {
  cd "$@" && ls -la

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