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Terraform:root_block_device 不支持 aws default_tag?

[英]Terraform: aws default_tag not supported in root_block_device?

I am trying to use the default_tag available for the aws terraform provider.我正在尝试使用 aws terraform 提供商可用的default_tag


From the doc, it says:从文档中,它说:

This functionality is supported in all resources that implement tags, with the exception of the aws_autoscaling_group resource.

So, for all resources I have it works very well, except for aws_instance.root_block_device .因此,对于我拥有的所有资源,它工作得很好,除了aws_instance.root_block_device

For example, I have:例如,我有:

provider "aws" {
  default_tags {
    tags = {
      Env = prod

resource "aws_instance" "instance" {
  ami           = xxx
  instance_type = xxx
  root_block_device {
    volume_size           = xxx
    volume_type           = xxx

The default tag Env = prod is correctly added to the instance itself, but not for the root_device_block block.默认标记Env = prod已正确添加到实例本身,但不是用于root_device_block块。

So I'm wondering if default_tag is supported for this.所以我想知道是否支持default_tag It's true that the documentation says supported in all **resources** but root_block_device is only an argument of this resource, so maybe this is the problem?的确,文档说supported in all **resources**root_block_device只是该资源的一个参数,所以也许这就是问题所在?

I'm just looking for a kind of confirmation because the documentation is not very clear on this point.我只是在寻找一种确认,因为文档在这一点上不是很清楚。

Thank you谢谢

This is not supported yet.尚不支持此功能。 There are two issues are still open 1 2有两个问题仍然悬而未决1 2

but you can use this workaround solution但您可以使用此解决方法

data "aws_default_tags" "example" {}
aws_instance {
  volume_tags = merge(aws_default_tags.example.default_tags, var.extra_tags)

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