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如果两个字段同时匹配,我如何在 SOLR 中将结果排名较低?

[英]How can I rank results lower in SOLR if two fields match at the same time?

I have records with a "title" and a "brand" fields and i query both fields.我有带有“标题”和“品牌”字段的记录,我查询这两个字段。

Sometimes a record has the brand in the title, which will result in higher scores, but I want to score them the same.有时一张唱片的标题中有品牌,这会导致更高的分数,但我想给他们同样的分数。

How can i rate records lower were both fields match?如果两个字段都匹配,我如何降低记录的评分?

I solved it by removing all occurrences of the brand in the title (and other fields) when writing the index.我通过在编写索引时删除标题(和其他字段)中所有出现的品牌来解决它。

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