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AWS EventBridge 规则忽略键前缀和后缀匹配

[英]AWS EventBridge Rule Ignoring Key Prefix & Suffix Matching

I have an Event Bridge rule created where when I drop a file into an S3 bucket it will trigger a Step function.我创建了一个事件桥规则,当我将文件放入 S3 存储桶时,它将触发步骤 function。

I only want to trigger this rule when:我只想在以下情况下触发此规则:

  • A file is in a folder called files/ ( prefix: "files/" )文件位于名为files/的文件夹中( prefix: "files/"
  • The file is a CSV ( suffix: ".csv" )该文件是一个 CSV( suffix: ".csv"

However this rule is being triggered for any files regardless of their suffix and prefix.但是,无论文件的后缀和前缀如何,都会为任何文件触发此规则。 For instance I dropped a.pdf file in and it triggered the step function.例如,我放入了一个 .pdf 文件,它触发了步骤 function。

      "detail-type": ["Object Created"],
      "source": ["aws.s3"],
      "detail": {
        "bucket": {
          "name": ["my-files-bucket"]
        "object": {,
          "key": [{
            "prefix": "files/"
          }, {
            "suffix": ".csv"

This is the expected behaviour.这是预期的行为。 EventBridge treats multiple values in brackets as an OR condition . EventBridge 将括号中的多个值视为OR 条件 Events will match your pattern if the object key begins with files/ OR ends with .csv .如果 object 键以files/开头或以.csv结尾,事件将匹配您的模式。

As far as I know, it's not possible to apply an AND condition to a single field.据我所知,不可能将 AND 条件应用于单个字段。

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