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将多列中的值考虑为 1 个最终值 output

[英]Consider values from multiple columns into 1 final output


(Related to: MySQL) (相关:MySQL)

I have set of unique names in column A, then column B,.. with each column containing a unique product.我在 A 列中有一组唯一的名称,然后是 B 列,.. 每列包含一个唯一的产品。 Eg.例如。 enter image description here在此处输入图像描述

I expect an output, that considers the total of all Columns, under 1 single header and outputs something like this: enter image description here我期待一个 output,考虑所有列的总数,在 1 个 header 下并输出如下内容:在此处输入图像描述

Is this possible?这可能吗? How do I go about that?我怎么go一下呢?

Thank you!谢谢!

Not really sure how to go about this.不太确定如何与 go 联系。 Would concat/ Union work here? concat/Union 会在这里工作吗?

select  person, sum(item) from 
(SELECT person_1 as person, shoes as item from YOURTABLE 
union SELECT person_2 as person, watches as item from YOURTABLE
union SELECT person_3 as person, clothes as item from YOURTABLE) 
temp group by person

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