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Python 子进程调用 output 超时

[英]Python subprocess call with output and timeout

Summary : I want to start an external process from Python (version 3.6), poll the result nonblocking, and kill after a timeout.总结:我想从 Python(3.6 版)启动一个外部进程,非阻塞地轮询结果,并在超时后终止。

Details : there is an external process with 2 "bad habits":详细信息:有一个带有 2 个“坏习惯”的外部进程:

  1. It prints out the relevant result after an undefined time.它在未定义的时间后打印出相关结果。
  2. It does not stop after it printed out the result.它打印出结果后不会停止。

Example : maybe the following simple application resembles mostly the actual program to be called ( mytest.py ; source code not available):示例:也许以下简单应用程序大部分类似于要调用的实际程序( mytest.py ;源代码不可用):

import random
import time

while True: pass

This is how I am trying to call it:这就是我试图称呼它的方式:

import subprocess, time
myprocess = subprocess.Popen(['python', 'mytest.py'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
for i in range(15):
    # check if something is printed, but do not wait to be printed anything
    # check if the result is there
    # if the result is there, then break

I want to implement the logic in comment.我想在评论中实现逻辑。


The following are not appropriate:以下是不合适的:

  • Use myprocess.communicate() , as it waits for termination, and the subprocess does not terminate.使用myprocess.communicate() ,因为它等待终止,并且子进程不会终止。
  • Kill the process and then call myprocess.communicate() , because we don't know when exactly the result is printed out杀死进程然后调用myprocess.communicate() ,因为我们不知道结果何时打印出来
  • Use process.stdout.readline() because that is a blocikg statement, so it waits until something is printed.使用process.stdout.readline()因为这是一个 blocikg 语句,所以它会等到打印出一些东西。 But here at the end does not print anything.但这里最后不打印任何东西。

The type of the myprocess.stdout is io.BufferedReader . io.BufferedReader myprocess.stdout So the question practically is: is there a way to check if something is printed to the io.BufferedReader , and if so, read it, but otherwise do not wait?所以实际上的问题是:有没有办法检查io.BufferedReader是否打印了某些内容,如果是,请阅读它,否则不要等待?

I think I got the exact package you need.我想我得到了您需要的确切 package。 Meet command_runner , which is a subprocess wrapper and allows:认识一下command_runner ,它是一个子进程包装器并允许:

  • Live stdout / stderr output实时标准输出/标准错误 output
  • timeouts regardless of execution超时与执行无关
  • process tree including child processes killing in case of timeout进程树包括在超时情况下杀死的子进程
  • stdout / stderr redirection to queues, files or callback functions stdout / stderr 重定向到队列、文件或回调函数

Install with pip install command_runner使用pip install command_runner


from command_runner import command_runner

def callback(stdout_output):
    # Do whatever you want here with the output

exit_code, output = command_runner("python mytest.py", timeout=300, stdout=callback, method='poller')

if exit_code == -254:
    print("Oh no, we got a timeout")

# Check for good exit_code and full stdout output here

If timeout is reached, you'll get exit_code -254 but still get to have output filled with whatever your subprocess wrote to stdout/stderr.如果达到超时,您将得到 exit_code -254,但仍然会得到 output 填充您的子进程写入 stdout/stderr 的任何内容。

Disclaimer: I'm the author of command_runner免责声明:我是command_runner的作者

Additional non blocking examples using queues can be seen on the github page.可以在 github 页面上看到使用队列的其他非阻塞示例。

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