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更新了 VS Code,现在我所有的 Ubuntu 文件都是只读的

[英]Updated VS Code and now all my Ubuntu files are read-only

I did an update of VS Code.我更新了 VS Code。 After the update the first thing I noticed was that I could no longer run npm run start-dev on one of my projects.更新后,我注意到的第一件事是我无法再在我的一个项目上运行 npm run start-dev。 It would give me EROFS: read-only file system.它会给我 EROFS:只读文件系统。 (additionally I cannot run commands to push my code up to Git Hub) (此外,我无法运行命令将我的代码推送到 Git Hub)

I thought to try deleting the node_modules and reinstalling them and it wouldn't let me delete them due to the read-only file system as well.我想尝试删除 node_modules 并重新安装它们,但由于只读文件系统,它也不允许我删除它们。

I've tried many things in looking through stack overflow such as: uninstalling and reinstalling the WSL extension for vscode, checking to see what this command (npm root -g) returns, it does not return -npm, tried the command sudo fsck -f /dev/sdc tried manually changing the permissions on files from read-only to r+w using chmod and sudo commands我在查看堆栈溢出时尝试了很多事情,例如:卸载并重新安装 vscode 的 WSL 扩展,检查此命令 (npm root -g) 返回的内容,它不返回 -npm,尝试了命令 sudo fsck - f /dev/sdc 尝试使用 chmod 和 sudo 命令手动将文件的权限从只读更改为 r+w

I expected the files to no longer be read only so that I could run npm commands in WSL VS Code again.我希望这些文件不再是只读的,这样我就可以再次在 WSL VS Code 中运行 npm 命令。

I'm completely at a loss.我完全不知所措。

Here is a screen shot of my most recent error code because now after all of the things I've tried, I cannot even get a WSL window of VS Code to open at all.这是我最近的错误代码的屏幕截图,因为在我尝试了所有这些之后,我什至无法打开 VS Code 的 WSL window。

enter image description here enter image description here在此输入图片描述 在输入图片描述

sudo e2fsck /dev/sdc -y

Worked to fix my issue努力解决我的问题

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