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在 animation 正在运行时阻止 OpenLayers map 上的交互

[英]Prevent interactions on OpenLayers map while animation is on action

I'm working on a web application that uses OpenLayers map. On this component, I get the properties from its parent, which are used to draw some icons on specified coordinates on the map, and since this takes a bit of a time, to cover that time, I'm using this animation:我正在开发一个使用 OpenLayers map 的 web 应用程序。在这个组件上,我从其父级获取属性,这些属性用于在 map 上的指定坐标上绘制一些图标,由于这需要一点时间,因此那个时候,我正在使用这个 animation:

map.getView().animate({ center: transform(latitude, longitude], 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857'), duration: 1000 })

I'm trying to find a solution to prevent any type of mouse interaction on the map, while this animation is in action (not finished).我试图找到一个解决方案来防止 map 上的任何类型的鼠标交互,而这个 animation 正在运行(未完成)。

To deactivate the interactions call a function like disableInteraction() :要停用交互,请调用 function,例如disableInteraction()

const disableInteraction = () => {
  map.getInteractions().forEach(i => {

You can call enableInteractions() when the animation stops (or whenever you need), to reactivate the interactions:您可以在 animation 停止时(或任何您需要的时候)调用enableInteractions()来重新激活交互:

const enableInteractions = () => {
  map.getInteractions().forEach(i => {

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