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[英]Modify twig variable through js without reloading page

I have an array of objects which are rendered through for loop in twig template.我有一个对象数组,这些对象通过 twig 模板中的 for 循环呈现。 I want to apply a filter-like mechanism where after selecting a category from a filter, list of elements in twig would update without refreshing a page and contain elements only from chosen category.我想应用一个类似过滤器的机制,在从过滤器中选择一个类别后,twig 中的元素列表将在不刷新页面的情况下更新,并且仅包含来自所选类别的元素。

Until now I managed to pass chosen category value through ajax to Symfony controller, parse it, encode to JS and send it as a response and fetch it via ajax.到目前为止,我设法将所选类别值通过 ajax 传递给 Symfony controller,解析它,编码为 JS 并将其作为响应发送并通过 ajax 获取它。

Here's some code:这是一些代码:

//variable passed to twig
        return $this->render('@Ad/ad_list.html.twig', [
            'adList' => $adList,
//An ajax call
   url : $form.attr('action'),
   type: "POST",
   data : filters,
   complete: function(html) {
//creating a response
$response = JsonResponse::fromJsonString($jsonContent);
{% for ad in adList|slice(0, 9) %}
{% endfor %}

Is it possible to update passed variable ($adList) to twig via JS, so it would render elements from response?是否可以通过 JS 将传递的变量($adList)更新为 twig,以便从响应中呈现元素?

Thanks to brombeer and DarkBee help I achieved my goal.感谢 brombeer 和 DarkBee 的帮助,我实现了我的目标。 I did it by:我是这样做的:

  1. Creating new template which holds list of elements,创建包含元素列表的新模板,
  2. Rendering this new template in main template and passing there updated value在主模板中呈现这个新模板并传递更新的值

main template:主模板:

    {% include '@Ad/ad_list_container.html.twig' %}

ad_list_container template: ad_list_container 模板:

<div id="ad-list">
   {% for ad in adList %}
   {% endfor %}

ajax call: ajax 拨打:

    url : $form.attr('action'),
    type: "POST",
    data : filters,
    success: function(response) {

php controller: php controller:

return $this->render('@Ad/ad_list_container.html.twig', [
   'adList' => $adList

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