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vue3 + pinia:如何从?store 中获取一个值?

[英]vue3 + pinia: how to make reactive a value from the ?store

I am using vue 3 with composition api and pinia我正在使用组合为 api 和 pinia 的 vue 3

I have an auth store that is reading from the store a default email and a default password我有一个正在从商店读取默认 email 和默认密码的授权商店

import { useAuthStore } from "stores/auth";
const authStore = useAuthStore();

const email = authStore.loginUser;
const password = authStore.passwordUser;

Then I am using email and password as v-model .然后我使用 email 和密码作为v-model

The problem is that both are not reactive.问题是两者都不是反应性的。 If I change the value from the text input, the model is not updated如果我更改文本输入的值,则 model 不会更新

I ask kindly for an explanation of the problem and a solution.我恳请对问题的解释和解决方案。

const email = authStore.loginUser

creates an email constant with the current value of authStore.loginUser , losing reactivity.使用authStore.loginUser的当前值创建一个email常量,失去反应性。 To keep reactivity, you could use computed :为了保持反应性,您可以使用computed

import { computed } from 'vue'
// ...

const email = computed({
  get() { return authStore.loginUser },
  set(val) { authStore.loginUser = val }

...or you could use the provided storeToRefs wrapper, designed for extracting/deconstructing store reactive props while keeping their reactivity (basically to avoid the above boilerplate): ...或者您可以使用提供的storeToRefs包装器,设计用于提取/解构商店反应性道具,同时保持其反应性(基本上是为了避免上述样板):

import { storeToRefs } from 'pinia'
// ...

const { 
  loginUser: email,
  passwordUser: password
} = storeToRefs(authStore) 
// email & password are now reactive 

Important : you only want to deconstruct state and getters using storeToRefs .重要提示:您只想使用storeToRefs解构stategetters Actions should be used directly from the store object ( authStore in your case) or deconstructed without the wrapper:应直接从商店authStore (在您的情况下为 authStore)或在没有包装器的情况下解构操作:

const { actionOne, actionTwo } = authStore

This is specified in docs linked above:这是在上面链接的文档中指定的:

... so methods and non reactive properties are completely ignored. ...所以方法和非反应性属性被完全忽略。

In conclusion, you typically end up with two deconstructions from each store:总之,您通常会从每个商店得到两个解构:

import { useSomeStore } from '@/store'
// reactive:
const { s1, s2, g1, g2 } = storeToRefs(useSomeStore())
// non-reactive:
const { a1, a2 } = useSomeStore()

where s1 , s2 are state members, g1 , g2 are getters and a1 , a2 are actions .其中s1s2state成员, g1g2gettersa1a2actions

I fixed as simply as我固定的很简单

import { useAuthStore } from "stores/auth";

const authStore = useAuthStore();

const email = ref(authStore.loginUser);
const password = ref(authStore.passwordUser);
const rememberme = ref(false);

no useless storeToRefs used没有使用无用storeToRefs

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