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某种类型的 operator< 可以在编译单元之间有不同的定义吗?

[英]can `operator<` of some type have different definitions between compilation units?

I wanted to create a std::set<X> , for a pod struct, X .我想为 pod 结构X创建一个std::set<X> I tried providing a free operator< .我尝试提供免费的operator< I did not want this operator to have a global effect (outside this compilation unit), so I set the operator< as static .我不希望此运算符具有全局效果(在此编译单元之外),因此我将operator<设置为static ( link to code ) 链接到代码

struct X { int value; };

static bool operator< (const X& a, const X& b) { return a.value < b.value; }

void foo() {
    std::set<X> some_set;

This compiles fine.这编译得很好。

However, if I move the operator< in an unnamed namespace ( link to code )但是,如果我将operator<移动到未命名的命名空间中(链接到代码

struct X { int value; };
namespace {
     bool operator< (const X& a, const X& b) { return a.value < b.value; }

void foo() {
    std::set<X> some_set;

which should be equivalent,这应该是等价的,

then std::less<X> complains:然后std::less<X>抱怨:

usr/local/include/c++/12.1.0/bits/stl_function.h:408:20: error: no match for 'operator<' (operand types are 'const X' and 'const X')
         { return __x < __y; }

Okay, I could have used a custom comparator instead.好的,我本可以改用自定义比较器。

But can anybody explain why the above does not work?但是有人能解释为什么上面的方法不起作用吗? In general, is it possible to provide a different operator implementation in compilation units of the same struct?一般来说,是否可以在同一结构的编译单元中提供不同的运算符实现?

This boils down to following:这归结为以下几点:

#include <iostream>

struct A {};

    void foo(A) {} // Your `operator<`.

namespace N
    void foo(int) {} // Some random `operator<` in `std`.

    template <typename T>
    void bar(T value)

int main()

This doesn't work because N::foo shadows foo(A) in the unnamed namespace.这不起作用,因为N::foo隐藏了未命名命名空间中的foo(A)

If there was no unnamed namespace, foo(A) would instead be found via ADL , because it would be in the same namespace as A .如果没有未命名的命名空间,则foo(A)将改为通过ADL找到,因为它与A位于同一命名空间中。

Also note that this appears to violate one-definition rule.另请注意,这似乎违反了单一定义规则。 While your operator< is static , std::less is not, and its instantiations in different translation units will pick different operator< s, which appears to be illegal.虽然您的operator<static ,但std::less不是,并且它在不同翻译单元中的实例化将选择不同的operator< s,这似乎是非法的。

This could cause one of our operator< s to be used in every TU, when inline implementations of std::less from different TUs are ultimately merged by the linker.当来自不同 TU 的std::less的内联实现最终被 linker 合并时,这可能会导致我们的一个operator<被用于每个 TU。

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