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phpmyadmin 登录屏幕上的错误消息

[英]Error massage on the phpmyadmin login screen

Today I installed phpmyadmin to use it locally with apache2 server on my linux mint 21 machine.今天我在我的 linux mint 21 机器上安装了 phpmyadmin 以在本地与 apache2 服务器一起使用。 However, on the login screen I get an error message that translated into English reads as follows:但是,在登录屏幕上,我收到一条翻译成英文的错误消息,内容如下:

There is a mismatch between the HTTPS protocol indicated on the server and client.服务器和客户端上指示的 HTTPS 协议不匹配。 This can lead to phpMyAdmin not working or a security risk.这可能会导致 phpMyAdmin 无法正常工作或存在安全风险。 Correct the server configuration to correctly point to HTTPS.更正服务器配置以正确指向 HTTPS。

Does any of apache2 users know which entry in the configuration is meant and how to correct it? apache2 用户是否知道配置中的哪个条目是什么意思以及如何更正它?

I've tried to looking the solution by myself but I failed.我试图自己寻找解决方案,但我失败了。

Ok, I solved the problem.好的,我解决了这个问题。 That error was caused by one line in apache2 config file, which I've added when I was trying to solved one problem with executing php code on a server.该错误是由 apache2 配置文件中的一行引起的,这是我在尝试解决一个在服务器上执行 php 代码的问题时添加的。 It didn't helped but I left it as it was and I forgot about it.它没有帮助,但我保持原样,我忘记了它。 I remembered this when I was watching a tutorial about configuring apache2.看配置apache2教程的时候想起了这个。

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