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[英]Import file from subdirectory into file in another subdirectory

I have a python project a folder structure like this:我有一个 python 项目,文件夹结构如下:


I want to import connect.py into xyz.py and here's my code:我想将connect.py导入xyz.py ,这是我的代码:

from utils import connect as dc

But I keep getting this error no matter what I do, please help:但是无论我做什么,我都会不断收到此错误,请帮助:

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'utils'

Update : People are telling me to set the path or directory, I don't understand why I need to do this only for importing file.更新:人们告诉我设置路径或目录,我不明白为什么我只需要为导入文件这样做。 This is something that should work automatically.这是应该自动工作的东西。

In your utils folder __init__.py should be blank.在你的 utils 文件夹中, __init__.py应该是空白的。 If this doesn't work, try adding from __future__ import absolute_import in your xyz.py file.如果这不起作用,请尝试在xyz.py文件中添加from __future__ import absolute_import

You could move your utils folder into drivers, making the path to the to-be imported file a subdirectory of your executing file, like:您可以将您的 utils 文件夹移动到驱动程序中,使要导入的文件的路径成为您的执行文件的子目录,例如:


Alternatively, you could try或者,您可以尝试

from ..utils import connect as dc

This will move up a directory before import.这将在导入前向上移动一个目录。

Lasty, you could add the directory to Path in your script via最后,您可以通过以下方式将目录添加到脚本中的路径

import sys

For this method, see also this question对于此方法,另请参阅此问题

Check your current directory.检查您的当前目录。 It must be main_directory.它必须是 main_directory。

import os
print("Current working directory is: ", os.getcwd()

if not, you can change using如果没有,您可以更改使用


also works with relative path也适用于相对路径


I was also facing same problem when you use row python script so i use the following code at the beginning of the file当您使用第 python 行脚本时,我也遇到了同样的问题,所以我在文件开头使用了以下代码

import os
import sys

current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(current_dir)

This way it will search the require file at parent directory.这样它将在父目录中搜索需要的文件。

Hope this will work for you also..希望这也对你有用..

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