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如何在浏览器控制台中运行 JavaScript function?

[英]How to run JavaScript function in browser console?

In my Python program, I need to run the hcaptchaCallback function (screenshot), but the function name has a different numbers each time.在我的 Python 程序中,我需要运行 hcaptchaCallback function(截图),但 function 名称每次都有不同的数字。 Can I somehow run this function by specifying only the first part of the name (hcaptchaCallback)?我可以通过仅指定名称的第一部分 (hcaptchaCallback) 以某种方式运行此 function 吗?



There is nothing that lets you really do that.没有什么能让你真正做到这一点。 You might be able to pull off looping over the globals and looking for a variable that starts with your string.您可能能够结束对全局变量的循环并查找以您的字符串开头的变量。


that will call it the way you showed, but looking at the function signature, looks like you are going to have to use call()这将按照您显示的方式调用它,但查看 function 签名,看起来您将不得不使用call()


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