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[英]Module not found: Can't resolve 'hardhat'

How to get rid of this error?如何摆脱这个错误?

Failed to compile.编译失败。

Module not found: Can't resolve 'hardhat' in 'C:\Users\nick_\VSCodeProjects\nft\nft-school-examples\end-to-end\packages\react-app\src\components'

Here my project structure这是我的项目结构


I have added this line on top of my file我在文件顶部添加了这一行

import { ethers } from "hardhat";

the problem is hardhat does not exist in react-app 's package.json.问题是安全帽在react-app的 package.json 中不存在。 You will need to navigate to the root of react-app and run npm install --save-dev hardhat .您需要导航到 react-app 的根目录并运行npm install --save-dev hardhat

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