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如何在反应功能组件的网页上显示时间时更改反应 DateTimePicker 的格式

[英]how to change the format of React DateTimePicker while displaying time on our webpage in react functional component

I am new to react could you please through this.我是新来的,你能通过这个做出反应吗?

Image of output of date and time If you see image I am getting output or is being displayed date and time as 2023-01-13T22:54:00.000Z .日期和时间的图像 output如果您看到我得到的图像 output 或显示的日期和时间为2023-01-13T22:54:00.000Z but I want to display the date and time in this format as 20 Jan,5:25 PM .但我想以这种格式显示日期和时间20 Jan,5:25 PM <DateTimePicker onChange={(value)=>setValue(value)} value={value} /> const [value, setValue] = useState(new Date()); <DateTimePicker onChange={(value)=>setValue(value)} value={value} /> const [value, setValue] = useState(new Date()); I have above for using dateTime picker.我上面有使用日期时间选择器。 The another problem I am facing is when make onChange={e=>setValue(e.target.value)} when I am trying to select date I am getting blank page so I didn't use it.我面临的另一个问题是当我尝试 select 日期时 make onChange={e=>setValue(e.target.value)} 我得到空白页所以我没有使用它。 Sometimes in scenarios I am unable to pick date.有时在某些情况下我无法选择日期。

I want a date and time picker where a user can pick his own date and time but In a single input and save them and also to display on screen as per the format.我想要一个日期和时间选择器,用户可以在其中选择自己的日期和时间,但只需一次输入即可保存并按照格式显示在屏幕上。

const [value, setValue] = useState(new Date());

const months = ["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","June","July","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];

   `var day=value.getDate();
// let name = months[value.getMonth()];
// var string = day + ' ' + name;
// var hours=value.getHours();
// var minutes=value.getMinutes();
// var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'PM' : 'AM';
// var string2 = hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm;
// const clock=string+','+string2;`

I tried this but it is displaying the current date and time and keeps updating as time changes.我试过了,但它显示的是当前日期和时间,并随着时间的变化不断更新。 So I thought may be the value is not yet updated to see change in this.所以我认为可能是值尚未更新以查看此变化。

  `<p><span style={{fontSize:12}}>{item.value}</span></p>`

I am using a mapping function in order display elements.我正在使用映射 function 来显示元素。 I tried to add methods like getdate and getmonth in the above我尝试在上面添加像getdate和getmonth这样的方法

tag but it is not working and I am getting a blank page.标签,但它不工作,我得到一个空白页。

could you please help me with this issue so that I can get the above format and display datetime which is picked by user only.您能否帮我解决这个问题,以便我可以获得上述格式并显示仅由用户选择的日期时间。

I also tried to use HTML date and time picker but I am unable to format to this 20 Jan,5:25 PM .我还尝试使用 HTML 日期和时间选择器,但我无法格式化为20 Jan,5:25 PM

and the main feature I want is to be able to pick date and time through one input and display it in above mentioned format which is user picked one and do not update.我想要的主要功能是能够通过一个输入选择日期和时间,并以上面提到的用户选择的格式显示它并且不更新。

Could you please help me this.你能帮我这个吗?

You can use moment.js to format data and time.您可以使用 moment.js 来格式化数据和时间。

import moment from 'moment'

function MyApp() {
  const [value, setValue] = useState(new Date());

  return (
      <DateTimePicker onChange={setValue} value={value} />

     <p><span style={{fontSize:12}}>{moment(value).format('d MMM,h:mm A')}</span></p>

Hope this will solve your problem.希望这能解决您的问题。 You can pass the format that you want as an argument to format function. You can find more details in here.您可以将所需的格式作为参数传递给格式 function。您可以在此处找到更多详细信息。 https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/ https://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/

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