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React 中未定义 function

[英]Undefined function in React

I am having an error: Cannot read properties of undefined reading((Id)) .我有一个错误: Cannot read properties of undefined reading((Id))

 const PostWidget = ({
  }) => {
    const [isComments, setIsComments] = useState(false);
    const dispatch = useDispatch();
    const token = useSelector((state) => state.token);
    const loggedInUserId = useSelector((state) => state.user._id);
    const isLiked = Boolean(likes[loggedInUserId]);
    const likeCount = Object.keys(likes).length;
    const { palette } = useTheme();
    const main = palette.neutral.main;
    const primary = palette.primary.main;
    const patchLike = async () => {
      const response = await fetch(`http://localhost:3001/posts/${postId}/like`, {
        method: "PATCH",
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
          "Content-Type": "application/json",
        body: JSON.stringify({ userId: loggedInUserId }),
      const updatedPost = await response.json();
      dispatch(setPost({ post: updatedPost }));

The error is generated from const isLiked = Boolean(likes[loggedInUsrId]) which checks for a truthy value if an array of userId liked a post before it gets rendered on the home page.该错误由const isLiked = Boolean(likes[loggedInUsrId])生成,如果 userId 数组在帖子呈现在主页上之前点赞该帖子,它会检查真实值。

I expected it to show my homepage and its corresponding output/logic but instead got this from my developer console:我希望它显示我的主页及其相应的输出/逻辑,但却是从我的开发者控制台得到的:


the error is occurring because you are checking for a truthy value on an array of user ids, by using an index which also consists of the userId.发生错误是因为您正在通过使用也由 userId 组成的索引来检查用户 id 数组的真值。

Imagine you have three likes as follows:想象一下,您有以下三个赞:

const likes = ["user1Id", "user2Id", "user3Id"];

now if the logged in user is user1 , when you write:现在如果登录用户是user1 ,当你写:

const isLiked = Boolean(likes[loggedInUserId]);

it is effectively Boolean(likes["user1Id"]).它实际上是Boolean(likes["user1Id"]).

Of course, this index does not exist, you only have three indices, 0 , 1 and 2 .当然,这个索引不存在,你只有三个索引, 012

What you could do is try to find the userId in the array, and if it exists then its truthy, if not, it's falsy, like:你可以做的是尝试在数组中找到 userId,如果它存在那么它是真的,如果不存在,它就是假的,比如:

const isLiked = likes.find((userId) => userId === loggedInUserId);

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