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PowerShell 获取通讯组报告的脚本

[英]PowerShell script to get distribution group report

I am looking for a PowerShell script to get a export Distribution Group with following Information.我正在寻找 PowerShell 脚本来获取包含以下信息的导出通讯组。

Group Display Name
Group Owner
Group Member
Last Activity Date
Member Count 
Received Email Count
Group ID

I am working on a script but it is returning error我正在编写脚本,但它返回错误

$groupmembers = foreach ($i in Get-DistributionGroup)

    Get-DistributionGroupMember $i | select Display Name, @{n='Member';e={$i.DisplayName}}


Get-DistributionGroupMember returns an object of type ReducedRecipient which does not contain a fields called Display or Name - but it does contain a field called DisplayName - i think this is probably your issue. Get-DistributionGroupMember返回一个类型为 ReducedRecipient 的 object ,它不包含名为DisplayName的字段 - 但它确实包含一个名为DisplayName的字段 - 我认为这可能是你的问题。

If you dont want to read the docs, an easy way of seeing the members of an object is to use ConvertTo-Json.如果您不想阅读文档,查看 object 成员的一种简单方法是使用 ConvertTo-Json。 Temporarily add the line Get-DistributionGroupMember $i | ConvertTo-Json临时添加行Get-DistributionGroupMember $i | ConvertTo-Json Get-DistributionGroupMember $i | ConvertTo-Json inside your foreach loop above the command that is failing.在失败的命令上方的 foreach 循环内的Get-DistributionGroupMember $i | ConvertTo-Json It will output the entire ReducedRecipient Object in JSON format so you can easily read the available property names and their current values.它将 output 整个ReducedRecipient Object 格式为 JSON 以便您可以轻松读取可用的属性名称及其当前值。

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