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迁移数据到 Azure SQL DB

[英]Migrate data to Azure SQL DB

How to migrate data from Azure file storage to Azure SQL DB如何将数据从Azure文件存储迁移到Azure SQL DB

Error I am getting Error 40615: Cannot connect to < servername错误我收到错误 40615:无法连接到 < 服务器名

  • I tried to repro this and got the error 40615: Cannot open server我试图重现这个并得到错误40615: Cannot open server在此处输入图像描述

  • Check the connection strings - server name, password, and database name.检查连接字符串 - 服务器名称、密码和数据库名称。

  • Add your client ip to the firewall.将您的客户端 ip 添加到防火墙。 Below are the steps.以下是步骤。

    1. Open the Azure SQL Database in azure portal.在azure门户中打开Azure SQL数据库。
    2. Click Networking点击联网


  1. Click +Add a firewall rule单击 + 添加防火墙规则
  2. Add the client ip address.添加客户端ip地址。
  3. You can also check allow azure services and resources to access this server.也可以勾选允许azure服务和资源访问此服务器。 This will allow all azure resources to access your database.这将允许所有 azure 资源访问您的数据库。


Reference: MS Document on IP firewall rules - Azure SQL Database and Azure Synapse Analytics参考:关于IP 防火墙规则的 MS 文档 - Azure SQL 数据库和 Azure Synapse Analytics

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