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将 ZIP 文件直接嵌入到 PowerShell 脚本中,而不是单独的文件中

[英]Embed ZIP files directly within a PowerShell script, not in a separate file

I would like to include some small archives, Zip and 7z into PS1.我想包括一些小档案,Zip 和 7z 到 PS1。 How to put the archive into $string for example?例如,如何将存档放入 $string 中? Or what is the best way to include the archive into the script itself, not in separate file?或者将存档包含到脚本本身而不是单独文件中的最佳方法是什么? Thank you!谢谢!

I tried this: https://github.com/AveYo/Compressed2TXT/blob/master/Compressed%202%20TXT.bat我试过这个: https://github.com/AveYo/Compressed2TXT/blob/master/Compressed%202%20TXT.bat

First convert the ZIP file to base-64, by entering one of these commands into the console, depending on your PowerShell version:首先将 ZIP 文件转换为 base-64,方法是在控制台中输入以下命令之一,具体取决于您的 PowerShell 版本:

# PowerShell 5.1
[convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content 'test.zip' -Encoding byte)) | 
    Set-Content test.zip.base64 -NoNewline

# PowerShell Core 7+
[convert]::ToBase64String((Get-Content 'test.zip' -AsByteStream)) |
    Set-Content test.zip.base64 -NoNewline

Copy-paste the content of the.base64 text file into your PowerShell script and assign it to variable $zipBase64将 .base64 文本文件的内容复制粘贴到您的 PowerShell 脚本中并将其分配给变量$zipBase64

# Base-64 encoded ZIP file, containing two files 'file1.txt' and 'file2.txt'

# Convert the base-64 string into a byte array
$zipByteArray = [convert]::FromBase64String( $zipBase64 )

# Write the byte array into a ZIP file within the current directory
$zipPath = Join-Path $PWD.Path 'output.zip'
[IO.File]::WriteAllBytes( $zipPath, $zipByteArray )

# Extract the ZIP file into sub directory 'files' of the current directory
$outputDir = (New-Item 'files' -ItemType Directory -Force).FullName
Expand-Archive -Path $zipPath -DestinationPath $outputDir

This is straightforward code, but creating an intermediate ZIP file isn't always wanted.这是简单的代码,但并不总是需要创建中间 ZIP 文件。

If you have a PowerShell version available that isn't too old (I believe you need PowerShell 5 at a minimum), you can use the ZipArchive class to extract the files from the ZIP directly from an in-memory stream without first writing an intermediate ZIP file.如果你有一个不太旧的 PowerShell 版本(我相信你至少需要 PowerShell 5),你可以使用ZipArchive class 直接从内存 stream中提取文件 stream 而无需先编写中间件ZIP 文件。

# Create an in-memory ZipArchive from the $zipByteArray
$zipArchive = [IO.Compression.ZipArchive]::new( [IO.MemoryStream]::new( $zipByteArray ) )

# Create the output directory
$outputDir = (New-Item 'files' -ItemType Directory -Force).FullName

# For each entry in the ZIP archive
foreach( $entry in $zipArchive.Entries ) { 
    # Build full output path
    $fullPath = Join-Path $outputDir $entry.FullName

    if( $fullPath.EndsWith( [IO.Path]::DirectorySeparatorChar ) ) {
        # This is a directory
        $null = New-Item $fullPath -ItemType Directory -Force
    else {
        # Create output file
        $fileStream = [IO.File]::OpenWrite( $fullPath )
        try {
            # Extract file from ZIP
            $entryStream = $entry.Open()
            $entryStream.CopyTo( $fileStream )
        finally {
            # Make sure to always close the output file otherwise
            # you could end up with an incomplete file.

If you only want to get the content of the files within the ZIP without extracting them to files on disk, you could read the data from the $entryStream in the above example.如果只想获取 ZIP 中的文件内容,而不是将其解压到磁盘文件中,则可以从上例中的$entryStream中读取数据。 See System.IO.Stream for available methods to read data from the stream.有关从 stream 读取数据的可用方法,请参阅System.IO.Stream

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