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[英]How to add Windows Credentials via Powershell?

I am trying to add Windows Credentials for my Github account via powershell.我正在尝试通过 powershell 为我的 Github 帐户添加 Windows 凭据。

I type in the below command into powershell:我在 powershell 中输入以下命令:

cmdkey /add:"git:https://github.com" /user:"myusername" /pass:"myauthtoken"

It returns error CMDKEY: The parameter is incorrect.它返回错误CMDKEY: The parameter is incorrect.

How can I fix this?我怎样才能解决这个问题?

Note that the above parameter values work when I add credentials via gui with Control Panel -> Credential Manager -> Add a Generic Credential.请注意,当我使用控制面板 -> 凭据管理器 -> 添加通用凭据通过 gui 添加凭据时,上述参数值有效。

From the output of cmdkey /?从 output 的cmdkey /? : :

 To create generic credentials: The /add switch may be replaced by /generic to create generic credentials

If I take a look at the generic github credentials in my vault, their target name is listed as:如果我查看我的保管库中的通用 github 凭据,它们的目标名称列为:

Target: LegacyGeneric:target=git:https://github.com

So, I'd suggest trying the following:所以,我建议尝试以下操作:

cmdkey /generic:LegacyGeneric:target=git:https://github.com /user:"myusername" /pass:"myauthtoken"

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