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我无法从 kotlin 中的数据库中删除选定的 ID 数据

[英]I can't delete selected id data from database in kotlin

What should I do at this stage to delete the selected id?这个阶段我应该怎么做才能删除选中的id? I tried all the ways I could think of.我尝试了所有我能想到的方法。 thanks谢谢

val db = this.writableDatabase
db.delete(table_name, null, null)

val db = this.writableDatabase
db.delete(table_name, "$col_id=?", arrayOf(itemId.toString()) )
    Toast.makeText(context, "Silindi", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()

Try executing a delete query like this尝试执行这样的删除查询

val sql = "DELETE FROM $table_name WHERE $col_id = $itemId"

Then show the Toast message to indicate that the item has been deleted, and close the database connection afterwards.然后显示 Toast 消息表明该项目已被删除,然后关闭数据库连接。

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