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Eslint airbnb 默认带有 js 中的箭头函数

[英]Eslint airbnb default with arrow functions in js

I'm trying to use eslint with the preset style airBnB but I want to use arrow functions instead of normal functions.我正在尝试将 eslint 与预设样式 airBnB 一起使用,但我想使用箭头函数而不是普通函数。 When I try to add anything to my.eslintrc.js files rules my vscode doesn't display the errors anymore.当我尝试向 my.eslintrc.js 文件规则添加任何内容时,我的 vscode 不再显示错误。 How can I fix this.我怎样才能解决这个问题。

My.eslintrc.js is as following My.eslintrc.js 如下

module.exports = {
  env: {
    browser: true,
    es2021: true,
  extends: [
  overrides: [
  parserOptions: {
    ecmaVersion: 'latest',
    sourceType: 'module',
  plugins: [
  rules: {
    allowArrorFunctions: true

and package.json is the following:和 package.json 如下:

  "name": "solita-frontend",
  "version": "0.1.0",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "axios": "^1.2.3",
    "cypress-real-events": "^1.7.6",
    "jest": "^27.5.1",
    "jquery": "^3.6.3",
    "jquery-ui": "^1.13.2",
    "jquery-ui-bundle": "^1.12.1-migrate",
    "prop-types": "^15.8.1",
    "react": "^18.2.0",
    "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
    "react-helmet": "^6.1.0",
    "react-scripts": "5.0.1",
    "web-vitals": "^2.1.4"
  "scripts": {
    "start": "react-scripts start",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "test": "react-scripts test --transformIgnorePatterns \"node_modules/(?!axios)/\"",
    "eject": "react-scripts eject",
    "cypress:open": "cypress open"
  "eslintConfig": {
    "extends": [
  "browserslist": {
    "production": [
      "not dead",
      "not op_mini all"
    "development": [
      "last 1 chrome version",
      "last 1 firefox version",
      "last 1 safari version"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@babel/eslint-parser": "^7.19.1",
    "@babel/preset-react": "^7.18.6",
    "@testing-library/jest-dom": "^5.16.5",
    "@testing-library/react": "^13.4.0",
    "@testing-library/user-event": "^14.4.3",
    "cypress": "^12.3.0",
    "eslint": "^8.32.0",
    "eslint-config-airbnb": "^19.0.4",
    "eslint-config-standard": "^17.0.0",
    "eslint-plugin-cypress": "^2.12.1",
    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.27.5",
    "eslint-plugin-jest": "^27.2.1",
    "eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y": "^6.7.1",
    "eslint-plugin-n": "^15.6.1",
    "eslint-plugin-promise": "^6.1.1",
    "eslint-plugin-react": "^7.32.1",
    "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.6.0"

You don't need an extra rule to use arrow functions in your code if you have the correct parser options, so you could just remove the rules section from your.eslintrc.js config.如果你有正确的解析器选项,你不需要额外的规则来在你的代码中使用箭头函数,所以你可以从你的.eslintrc.js 配置中删除rules部分。

If you mean to use the rule func-style with the option allowArrowFunctions , then the rules section in.eslintrc.js should look like this:如果您打算使用带有选项allowArrowFunctions的规则func-style ,那么 .eslintrc.js 中的rules部分应该如下所示:

  rules: {
    'func-style': ['error', 'declaration', { allowArrowFunctions: true }],

Note that any incorrect setting in.eslintrc.js (like trying to configure a non-existing rule) will invalidate the whole configuration.请注意,.eslintrc.js 中的任何不正确设置(例如尝试配置不存在的规则)都会使整个配置无效。 Probably that's the reason why VSCode stops reporting linting problems.可能这就是 VSCode 停止报告 linting 问题的原因。

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