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使用 glob 递归获取包含 CSV 的子目录和文件

[英]Using glob recursion to get sub directories and files containing CSVs

I am trying to concat multiple CSVs that live in subfolders of my parent directory.我正在尝试连接位于我父目录的子文件夹中的多个 CSV。

├───SubFolder 1
│       test1.csv
├───SubFolder 2
│       test2.csv
├───SubFolder 3
│       test3.csv
│       test4.csv
├───SubFolder 4
│       test5.csv

When I do当我做

import pandas as pd
import glob

files = glob.glob('/ParentDirectory/*.csv', recursive=True)
df = pd.concat([pd.read_csv(fp) for fp in files], ignore_index=True)

I get ValueError: No objects to concatenate .我得到ValueError: No objects to concatenate

But if I select a specific sub folder, it works:但是如果我 select 一个特定的子文件夹,它就可以工作:

files = glob.glob('/ParentDirectory/SubFolder 3/*.csv', recursive=True)

How come glob isn't able to go down a directory and get the CSVs within each folder of the parent directory?为什么glob无法通过 go 访问目录并在父目录的每个文件夹中获取 CSV?


files = glob.glob('/ParentDirectory/**/*.csv', recursive=True)
files = glob.glob('/ParentDirectory/*/*.csv')

It doesn't need to be recursive for that pattern, but does need a wildcard for the subdirectory.它不需要为该模式递归,但确实需要子目录的通配符。

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