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Pattern3 代码在 Python3 中对我不起作用(但我知道该代码对其他人有效),这与我使用的是 Mac 有关系吗?

[英]Pattern3 code not working for me in Python3 (but I know the code works for others), does it matter that I'm using a Mac?

I continue to get the error, "'<=' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'", but none of the fellow students are receiving this error.我继续收到错误消息“'<=' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'int'”,但没有同学收到此错误。 This code was provided to us, so I know I didn't do something wrong.这段代码是提供给我们的,所以我知道我没有做错什么。 My only guess is that it needs something different when it is run on a mac vs windows?我唯一的猜测是它在 Mac 上运行时需要一些不同的东西而不是 windows?

from pattern.web import Twitter, hashtags
engine = Twitter(language="en")

indexid = set() 
tweets =[]

prev = None
for i in range(5):
    for tweet in engine.search("stock market bull or bear", start=prev, count= 20, cached=False):
        print(f" hashtag = {hashtags(tweet.text)} text = {tweet.text}, author = {tweet.author}, date = {tweet.date} ")
        if len(tweet.text) > 0 and tweet.id not in indexid:
            prev = tweet.id
print(f"Found {len(tweets)} tweets!" )

The default to engine.search must be an integer or an id. engine.search的默认值必须是 integer 或 id。 The method is defined as follows:该方法定义如下:

def search(self, query, type=SEARCH, start=1, count=10, sort=RELEVANCY, size=None, cached=False, **kwargs):
    """ Returns a list of results from Twitter for the given query.
        - type : SEARCH,
        - start: Result.id or int,
        - count: maximum 100.
        There is a limit of 150+ queries per 15 minutes.

So in this case, all you need to do is initialize prev to start at 1 , instead of None (which is what is causing your error).所以在这种情况下,您需要做的就是将 prev 初始化为从1开始,而不是None (这是导致错误的原因)。

prev = 1
for i in range(5):

Which resulted in:结果是:

Found 25 tweets!


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