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_CrtisValidHeapPointer(block) 错误使用 SetConsoleCursorPosition function

[英]_CrtisValidHeapPointer(block) error using SetConsoleCursorPosition function

Develop console Snake.开发控制台 Snake。 At the end of the program gives an error _CrtisValidHeapPointer(block).在程序结束时给出错误 _CrtisValidHeapPointer(block)。 Found out by experience, that the problem is in SetConsoleCursorPosition function in line 32根据经验发现,问题出在第 32 行的 SetConsoleCursorPosition function

#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "Drawer.h"
#include "Snake.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
    Drawer BasicImage;// создание объекта класса основной картинки игры
    Snake Player;
    short pre_x_pos,
    bool game_over = false;
    HANDLE console_handle = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
    SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, { 0, 0 });
    while (!game_over)
        pre_x_pos = Player.x_pos;
        pre_y_pos = Player.y_pos;
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, { pre_x_pos, pre_y_pos });
        cout << BasicImage.floor_skin;
        SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, { Player.x_pos, Player.y_pos });
        cout << Player.snake_skin;
        if (BasicImage.field[Player.x_pos][Player.y_pos] == BasicImage.wall_skin)
            game_over = true;
    SetConsoleCursorPosition(console_handle, { 0, BasicImage.height });
    cout << "Game Over";
    return 0;

The compiler doesn't make any error message,I can easily launch the app, but when I close the main window,_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(block) error was raised编译器没有发出任何错误消息,我可以轻松启动应用程序,但是当我关闭主 window 时,引发了 _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(block) 错误

Previously, 'pre_x_pos' and 'pre_y_pos' was variables belonging to the 'Snake' class. I tried to move it to main file, but these solution didn't help.以前,'pre_x_pos' 和 'pre_y_pos' 是属于 'Snake' class 的变量。我试图将它移动到主文件,但这些解决方案没有帮助。

UPD: content of all other files: Drawer.h: UPD:所有其他文件的内容:Drawer.h:

class Drawer
    short height = 0,
          length = 0;

    char wall_skin = '#';
    char floor_skin = '.';

    char** field = 0;

    void ShowConsoleCursor(bool);

    void FormField();

    void FormWalls();


class Snake
    short x_pos = 1,
          y_pos = 4,
          pre_x_pos = 0,
          pre_y_pos = 0,
          x_scale = 0,
          y_scale = 0,
          last_dir = 0;

    char snake_skin = '@';

    void MoveSet();

    void MoveLeft();

    void MoveRight();

    void MoveUP();

    void MoveDown();



#include <iostream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "Drawer.h"

using namespace std;

void Drawer::ShowConsoleCursor(bool show_flag)
    HANDLE out = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);

    CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO     cursorInfo;

    GetConsoleCursorInfo(out, &cursorInfo);
    cursorInfo.bVisible = show_flag; // set the cursor visibility
    SetConsoleCursorInfo(out, &cursorInfo);

void Drawer::FormField()
    cin >> height;
    cin >> length;

    field = new char*[height];

    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
        field[i] = new char;


void Drawer::FormWalls()
    for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)

        for (int j = 0; j < length; j++)

            if (i == 0 || i == height - 1 || j == 0 || j == length - 1)
                field[i][j] = wall_skin;
                cout << field[i][j];

                field[i][j] = floor_skin;
                cout << field[i][j];


        cout << endl;



#include <Windows.h>
#include "Snake.h"

void Snake::MoveSet()
    if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x57) && last_dir != 3)
        last_dir = 1;

    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x44) && last_dir != 4)
        last_dir = 2;

    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x53) && last_dir != 1)
        last_dir = 3;

    else if (GetAsyncKeyState(0x41) && last_dir != 2)
        last_dir = 4;

    x_pos += x_scale;
    y_pos += y_scale;

void Snake::MoveDown()
    x_scale = 0;
    y_scale = 1;

void Snake::MoveRight()
    x_scale = 1;
    y_scale = 0;

void Snake::MoveLeft()
    x_scale = -1;
    y_scale = 0;

void Snake::MoveUP()
    x_scale = 0;
    y_scale = -1;

I made a mistake when allocating memory:我分配memory的时候出错了:

void Drawer::FormField()
cin >> height;
cin >> length;

field = new char*[height];

for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
    field[i] = new char[];


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