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[英]Hey everyone, I was just wondering what was wrong with my code?

Im trying to create a function that records the amount of times a value in a list is repeated in a row.我试图创建一个 function 来记录列表中的值在一行中重复的次数。 After about an hour of deliberation, I was able to reach a stable-looking conclusion, yet i am unable to receive the desired outcome经过大约一个小时的考虑,我得出了一个看似稳定的结论,但我无法得到想要的结果

lst = [1,2,2,2,3,1,1]

def compress(numlist):
    for i in numlist:   
        if i == numlist[x]:
        elif i != numlist[x]:
            print((intervals,numlist[x]), end=" ")


Here, I was trying to get the function to "compress" the list of integers When I run the code, the outcome is:在这里,我试图让 function 来“压缩”整数列表当我运行代码时,结果是:

(1, 1) (3, 2) (1, 3)

While the desired outcome is:虽然期望的结果是:

(1, 1) (3, 2) (1, 3) (2,1)

You only show a run when you find a value that is not equal to the previous one.只有当您发现一个值不等于前一个值时,您才显示运行。 There is no value after the last value, of course, so the last run is never printed.当然,最后一个值之后没有任何值,因此永远不会打印最后一次运行。 Just add a line after the loop to print the last run.只需在循环后添加一行即可打印最后一次运行。

if intervals != 0:

By the way, you don't need the elif conditional.顺便说一下,你不需要elif条件。 All you need there is an else , since if i == numlist[x] , then the only other thing possible is i != numlist[x] .您只需要一个else ,因为如果i == numlist[x] ,那么唯一可能的就是i != numlist[x]


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