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在具有 int 类型键的 std::multimap 中查找键值对

[英]Finding a key-value-pair within a std::multimap with key of type int

I have a std::multimap<int, X*> where X is a user-defined type.我有一个std::multimap<int, X*> ,其中X是用户定义的类型。 I want to find a specific key-value-pair within this multimap (ie an iterator pointing to this pair).我想在此多重映射中找到特定的键值对(即指向此对的迭代器)。

(A) Complete Example: (A) 完整示例:

#include <map>
#include <algorithm>

class X {};

int main()
    X myX;
    std::multimap<int, X*> myMap;
    auto it = std::find(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), std::make_pair(5, &myX));
    return 0;

However, this does not compile (gcc 12.2.1 with -std=gnu++2a ):但是,这不会编译(带有-std=gnu++2a的 gcc 12.2.1):

no match for ‘operator==’ (operand types are ‘std::pair<const int, X*>’ and ‘const std::pair<int, X*>’)

So it seems to me somehow int gets converted to const int .所以在我看来int以某种方式转换为const int

(B) Using std::find_if with a lamdba function with const int , the code compiles: (B) 使用带有const int的 lamdba function 的std::find_if ,代码编译:

auto it = std::find_if(myMap.begin(), myMap.end(), [myX](std::pair<const int, X*>& node){ return 5 == node.first && (&myX) == node.second; } );


  1. Why is the type of the keys in the multimap const int and not int ?为什么 multimap 中键的类型是const int而不是int
  2. How to fix it in a more natural way than using a (complex) lambda function like in (B) or by first looking up by key and then searching within its values (as described by Igor Tandetnik in the comments)?如何以比在 (B) 中使用(复杂的)lambda function 或首先按键查找然后在其值内搜索(如 Igor Tandetnik 在评论中所述)更自然的方式修复它?

Why is the type of the keys in the multimap const int and not int?为什么 multimap 中键的类型是 const int 而不是 int?

Because the Key in all standard maps is immutable.因为所有标准映射中的Key都是不可变的。

How to fix it in a more natural way than using a (complex) lambda function like in (B) or by first looking up by key and then searching within its values?如何以比在 (B) 中使用(复杂的)lambda function 或首先按键查找然后在其值内搜索更自然的方式修复它?

Here's a simplified example that doesn't use X* but X in the map:这是一个不使用X X*而是在 map 中使用 X 的简化示例:

#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

struct X {
    bool operator==(const X& rhs) const { return m_value == rhs.m_value; }

    int m_value;

int main() {
    std::multimap<int, X> myMap{
        {4, {1}}, {5, {2}}, {6, {3}}, {4, {4}}, {5, {5}}, {6, {6}}

    // get the range of _Key_s equal to 5
    auto [first, last] = myMap.equal_range(5);

    // the lambda - here used to find the first entry with the _Value_ `X{2}`    
    auto cond = [](auto&& pair) { return pair.second == X{2}; };

    if (auto it = std::find_if(first, last, cond); it != last)
        auto& [k, v] = *it;

        std::cout << k << ' ' << v.m_value << '\n';


If many Values may be found, just put the find_if in a loop:如果可以找到很多,只需将find_if放入循环中:

    for(;(first = std::find_if(first, last, cond)) != last; ++first) {
        auto& [k, v] = *first;

        std::cout << k << ' ' << v.m_value << '\n';


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