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gcloud cloud run - 设置自定义域与多域集成

[英]gcloud cloud run - set a custom domains Integration with multi domain

I use gcloud beta version.我使用gcloud测试版。

I want set a integration as kind of Custom Domains - Google Cloud Load Balancing with multi domain.我想将集成设置为一种Custom Domains - Google Cloud Load Balancing

I have a problem with the syntax of the command.我对命令的语法有疑问。

In load balancer, SSL certificate can be built to support multiple domains.在负载均衡器中,可以构建SSL证书来支持多域。 So, How to create a integration with multi domain mapping?那么,如何创建与多域映射的集成?

sample command:示例命令:

gcloud beta run integrations create --type=custom-domains --region=us-central1 --parameters='set-mapping=domain1.com:serviceName'

In this image, you can see that it is possible to define with several domains:在此图像中,您可以看到可以定义多个域:


The GCP document links: GCP 文档链接:

  1. gcloud beta run integrations create gcloud beta 运行集成创建
  2. Map custom domains using a global external HTTP(S) load balancer Map 使用全局外部 HTTP(S) 负载平衡器的自定义域

Please visit this question in google cloud community: https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Serverless/gcloud-cloud-run-set-a-custom-domains-Integration-with-multi/mp/512687#M1061请在谷歌云社区访问这个问题: https://www.googlecloudcommunity.com/gc/Serverless/gcloud-cloud-run-set-a-custom-domains-Integration-with-multi/mp/512687#M1061

I took a look at the question in the google cloud community and the GCP documents you linked and I think I know what the issue is.我查看了谷歌云社区中的问题和您链接的 GCP 文档,我想我知道问题出在哪里。

In your first link under the synopsis.在概要下的第一个链接中。 The parameters are a list of key value pairs.参数是键值对列表。


What you posted in the in the google cloud community您在 Google 云社区中发布的内容


You never defined the parameter name for domain2.您从未定义 domain2 的参数名称。 It should look like this.它应该看起来像这样。


Hope that helps you.希望对你有帮助。

Do something like this:做这样的事情:

gcloud beta compute ssl-certificates create [CERT_NAME] --domains [DOMAIN_1], [DOMAIN_2], ...

gcloud beta compute target-https-proxies create [PROXY_NAME] --ssl-certificate [CERT_NAME]

gcloud beta compute url-maps create [MAP_NAME] --default-service [DEFAULT_BACKEND_SERVICE]

gcloud beta compute url-maps add-path-matcher [MAP_NAME] --default-service [DEFAULT_BACKEND_SERVICE] --path-matcher-name [PATH_MATCHER_NAME] --path-rules '[{paths: ["/[DOMAIN_1]/*"], service: [BACKEND_SERVICE_1]}, {paths: ["/[DOMAIN_2]/*"], service: [BACKEND_SERVICE_2]}, ...]'

gcloud beta compute target-https-proxies set-url-map [PROXY_NAME] --url-map [MAP_NAME]


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