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[英]Pre-load ComboBoxes in a Tab

I have a Windows Form application with a tab that contains many ComboBoxes.我有一个 Windows 表单应用程序,其选项卡包含许多组合框。 Every time I access this tab, I need to wait a few seconds for it to load.每次访问此选项卡时,我都需要等待几秒钟才能加载。 Is there a way to pre-load ComboBoxes while I am still using others tab of my program?有没有办法在我仍在使用程序的其他选项卡时预加载组合框?

private ObjectCache cache = MemoryCache.Default;

private void LoadComboBoxData() {
  var txtboxrecmedicacoes = new[] { txtboxrecmedicacoes1,
  foreach (ComboBox comboBox in txtboxrecmedicacoes)
    string cacheKey = comboBox.Name;
    if (cache.Contains(cacheKey))
      comboBox.DataSource = cache[cacheKey];

This is just part your text of combobox, there is more.这只是您的 combobox 文本的一部分,还有更多。 And I use this method on form load.我在表单加载时使用此方法。 I add the data to ComboBox on load of the form, the problem is when I select the specific tab.我在加载表单时将数据添加到 ComboBox,问题是当我将 select 添加到特定选项卡时。 The code that I made didn't work.我编写的代码不起作用。 How can I pre-load all components of my tab?如何预加载选项卡的所有组件?

You can use a caching technique like memory caching to avoid loading the same data multiple times您可以使用像 memory 缓存这样的缓存技术来避免多次加载相同的数据

private BackgroundWorker worker = new BackgroundWorker();

private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    worker.DoWork += Worker_DoWork;
    worker.RunWorkerCompleted += Worker_RunWorkerCompleted;

private void Worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
    //load combo box data here
    var txtboxrecmedicacoes = new[] { txtboxrecmedicacoes1, txtboxrecmedicacoes2, txtboxrecmedicacoes3, txtboxrecmedicacoes4, txtboxrecmedicacoes5, txtboxrecmedicacoes6, txtboxrecmedicacoes7, txtboxrecmedicacoes8 };
    foreach (ComboBox comboBox in txtboxrecmedicacoes)
        string cacheKey = comboBox.Name;
        if (!cache.Contains(cacheKey))
            //load data from DB or other sources and add to cache
            var data = LoadData(comboBox.Name);
            cache.Add(cacheKey, data, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddHours(1));

private void Worker_RunWorkerCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
    //update UI with loaded data
    var txtboxrecmedicacoes = new[] { txtboxrecmedicacoes1, txtboxrecmedicacoes2, txtboxrecmedicacoes3, txtboxrecmedicacoes4, txtboxrecmedicacoes5, txtboxrecmedicacoes6, txtboxrecmedicacoes7, txtboxrecmedicacoes8 };
    foreach (ComboBox comboBox in txtboxrecmedicacoes)
        string cacheKey = comboBox.Name;
        if (cache.Contains(cacheKey))
            comboBox.DataSource = cache[cacheKey];

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