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[英]How to delete the report generated by kibana

How to delete the reports generated by kibana?如何删除kibana生成的报告? (version i am using with elasticsearch is 6.8) (我使用 elasticsearch 的版本是 6.8)

below is screenshot of the reports generated, but It seems I could only download them but not下面是生成的报告的屏幕截图,但似乎我只能下载它们而不能

delete them.删除它们。 Does anyone know how to delete them?有谁知道如何删除它们? Any hints or suggestiones are more than welcome!任何提示或建议都非常受欢迎!


It seems that the ability to delete reports using the UI was added in Elasticsearch 7.7. Elasticsearch 7.7 好像增加了使用 UI 删除报告的功能。 Check out these discussions:查看这些讨论:

https://discuss.elastic.co/t/delete-reports-from-reporting-tab-in-kibana/233458 https://discuss.elastic.co/t/delete-reports-from-reporting-tab-in-kibana/233458

https://discuss.elastic.co/t/automatically-remove-old-reports/321201 https://discuss.elastic.co/t/automatically-remove-old-reports/321201

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